Murder of Philippine: Valérie Pécresse offers to co-finance video surveillance in the Parisian woods

Murder of Philippine: Valérie Pécresse offers to co-finance video surveillance in the Parisian woods
Murder of Philippine: Valérie Pécresse offers to co-finance video surveillance in the Parisian woods

Several elected officials have sounded the alarm since the tragedy which took place three weeks ago in the de Boulogne in (16th arrondissement). The tragic death of Philippine Le Noir de Carlan, a 19-year-old student found buried on the site, forcefully resurfaced the question of the lack of security in Paris, particularly in the woods of Boulogne and (12th century).

Warnings which seem to have reached the ears of the Île-de- region. “The emotion today leaves room for numerous questions about what the public authorities intend to put in place to stem the violence,” writes its president, Valérie Pécresse (LR), in a letter sent this Thursday, October 10 to the mayor (PS) from Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

The region thus says it is “ready to co-finance the deployment of video surveillance in the Bois de Boulogne and Vincennes alongside the State and the Paris town hall”. An action which, according to the community, would be likely to meet the expectations of Parisians and Ile-de-France residents who “demand more security on these two massively frequented sites”. “As part of our regional security shield, the region has always made it a priority to work alongside municipalities to help them secure their territory,” underlines Valérie Pécresse in her note.

“Vain” requests from Parisian elected officials

This proposal follows, according to the regional president, “vain” requests from “many elected officials in Paris” to the mayor of the capital to increase the number of cameras in these two places in particular. It is a subject that has been “concerning” the town hall of the 16th arrondissement of Paris for “years now”, said the mayor of the district, Jérémy Redler, in the columns of Le Parisien.

The elected official considers the video surveillance system to ensure the security of wood largely insufficient, and he is not the only one. His colleague Jean-Pierre Lecoq, councilor of the 6th arrondissement, had also called in a letter dated Thursday September 26 “for the installation of video protection cameras and a clear amplification of the police presence in these woods”.

For its part, the City continues to do everything possible to ensure the safety of its residents. “We put cameras everywhere on all the structural axes of the woods,” Nicolas Nordman, deputy mayor in charge of security, explained to Parisian a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the extent and organization of the woods and their undergrowth make it very complicated, if not impossible, to install them everywhere. »

The municipality also insists on the existence of a “major camera deployment plan” which was voted on at the last Paris Council. While the first phase of this major plan was carried out ahead of the Olympic Games, the second stage, in agreement with the district mayors, is being launched.



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