The city of offers a complete and free health check-up to all its residents

The city of offers a complete and free health check-up to all its residents
The city of Marseille offers a complete and free health check-up to all its residents

The city of (Bouches-du-Rhône) and the AP-HM (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Marseille) have set up a medical village in Bougainville Park until Saturday October 12, 2024. Around thirty health professionals are on place to give advice and carry out screenings for free, reports Provence .

On its website, the City explains that the objective is to reduce territorial and social inequalities in access to health. “When we are less informed, less surrounded by health professionals, we are less able to identify certain problems”confirms the director of the AP-HM to our colleagues. According to him, many pathologies could be avoided in certain patients thanks to better monitoring.

Quick consultations in the event of a problem

The village is open every day from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and until 8:30 p.m. Friday October 11. The different stands discuss vaccination, mental health, heart problems, diabetes, respiratory health, women’s health… Part of the village is also entirely dedicated to Pink October to raise awareness and encourage participation in cancer screening of the breast.

The regional daily specifies that the AP-HM has released around twenty slots next week in the municipality’s hospitals in order to offer rapid consultations if a pathology is detected.



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