The 3 key measures to remember against the shortage of medicines – 10/10/2024 – News

The 3 key measures to remember against the shortage of medicines – 10/10/2024 – News
The 3 key measures to remember against the shortage of medicines – 10/10/2024 – News

The Ansm’s winter plan is launched. Even if the epidemiological situation of acute respiratory infections (ARI) is considered stable today, in town and in hospitals, it is important to anticipate possible drug shortages during the winter. The medicine policeman does not want to see a repeat of the severe supply difficulties which worried patients and pharmacies during the winter of 2022-2023.

1-The list of “sentinel” molecules is evolving

Two antibiotics from the macrolide family have been added to the list of drugs to monitor, established during the first winter plan. These are oral azithromycin (40mg/ml) and oral clarithromycin (25mg/ml and 50mg/ml). No longer in supply, paracetamol in dry oral form (250 mg and 500 mg) and prednisone (5 and 20 mg) have been removed from the increased monitoring list, which includes a total of 13 molecules. Among these medications, mainly in pediatric forms, are antibiotics, fever medications, corticosteroids and asthma treatments.

2-To avoid tensions against the whooping cough epidemic, supply will be carried out by wholesalers

The resurgence of whooping cough is leading to supply tensions for clarithromycin, the first-line drug to treat this respiratory infection. To ensure equitable distribution of this molecule across the entire pharmacy network, Ansm has asked the laboratories concerned to prioritize the supply of pharmacies by wholesale distributors. A measure which has applied since July 2024 to pediatric antibiotics based on amoxicillin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and which is showing favorable results in the field.

3-Management indicators published every week

To assess the availability of essential winter treatments at the level of manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacies, the Ansm will publish supply data for these drugs every week. These data are based on three management indicators: monitoring of epidemiological indicators in the city and at the hospital, monitoring of the state of stocks and monitoring of feedback from the field. The Ansm also plans to meet every month with stakeholders in the pharmaceutical chain so that situations of tension are managed in a “collaborative and effective” manner. »



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