Miss 2025: who is Louison Thévenin, the sublime Miss Champagne-Ardenne?

Miss 2025: who is Louison Thévenin, the sublime Miss Champagne-Ardenne?
Miss France 2025: who is Louison Thévenin, the sublime Miss Champagne-Ardenne?

Like every year, the competition

Miss 2025 will take place in December. This year, the Futuroscope Arena in , in the department, will host the ceremony broadcast live on the TF1 channel. The date was set for Saturday December 14, about ten days before the Christmas holidays.

Eve Gilles will hand over her crown to one of the candidates in the running at the end of this 95th edition. Several regions have already elected their Miss. This is particularly the case of Alsace (Isabelle Hebert), Languedoc (Jade Benazech), Provence (Mégane Bertaud), (Marie Castel) and the Côte d’Azur (Lilou Emeline-Artuso ). A new young woman entered the competition last night.

Miss France 2025: Louison Thevenin, the beauty queen of Champagne-Ardenne

This Friday, October 11, 2025, 16 candidates were running
the title of

Miss Champagne-Ardenne

. The evening took place at the Vieilles Forges conference center. Aided by a pre-selection of the public, the seven jurors decided to give the crown to a 23-year-old young woman named Louison Thevenin.

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will be very proud to represent the region on December 14 on the Miss France stage”said student in Master of Tax Law after his victory. He was succeeded in the order by Camille Louis-Joseph (first runner-up), Clémentine Tristant (second runner-up), Céline Leduc (third runner-up) and Nadège Bérisson (fourth runner-up).

Miss France 2025: what will become of Eve Gilles?

The reign ofEve Gilles is coming to an end. “The review interviews have started, the end of the year is approaching”wrote the future ex-Miss France on Instagram recently. When she returns her scarf, the young woman plans to return to normal life which she left in brackets after her victory last year.

“I will slowly return to the path of
my studies. It’s close to my heart and it calls to me. So I’m going to return to mathematics to at least get to the diploma.”
she explained during the Télé Loisirs Awards. Eve Gilles would especially like get involved in the communityparticularly in the fight against harassment.



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