These 3 ages are those where it is most difficult to lose weight

When we want to lose weight, we often turn to specific diets and more sport. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that lasting weight loss happens little by little and that we must know how to treat ourselves from time to time so as not to be frustrated. According to a study, three ages would make the task more difficult.

When does losing weight become more difficult?

Throughout life, hormonal changes can disrupt metabolism and impact weight gain or loss. Other elements also come into play, as Coralie Oliver, dietitian-nutritionist, explains to us.


The first problematic age is 30 years old. The metabolism begins to slow down, so it burns fewer calories than before when the body is at rest. But it goes further: “of course, the metabolism can start to slow down slightly around the age of 30, but that is not enough, in my opinion, to explain the difficulty of losing weight. Lifestyle plays a major role at this age: more responsibilities (work, family, children), less time for oneself, which reduces the time dedicated to physical activity and establishing a diet. balanced. It is also a period marked by pregnancy for many, a real hormonal upheaval which affects body composition and sometimes eating behavior,” explains the exprete.


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Midlife then adds even more problems with the hormonal changes associated with menopause.

“Decreased estrogen slows metabolism and promotes muscle wasting, thereby reducing daily caloric expenditure at rest. In addition, the distribution of fat changes: there is a decrease in subcutaneous adipose tissue (energy reserve specific to pregnancy) and an increase in abdominal fat. This change affects the silhouette. Unlike muscle, fat cells expend little energy, resulting in a lower baseline energy expenditure. This creates a vicious circle: less muscle mass, more fatigue, slowed metabolism, and accumulation of fat in the abdominal area,” explains Coralie Oliver.


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Finally, at age 60, we still experience some changes: “the metabolism continues to gradually slow down, and the body composition has already changed following menopause. The decrease in lean mass, associated with an increase in fat mass, reduces energy expenditure at rest, which limits the body’s ability to “use” the calories ingested. Furthermore, physical activity is often less present, which further contributes to reducing the basic metabolism and caloric needs. All these factors can promote weight gain,” concludes the expert.

How to lose weight anyway?

According to the dietician, “there is no miracle diet, but rather a “healthy” lifestyle to adopt in the long term. Everyone must find a routine adapted to their lifestyle, and implement sustainable actions. There is no such thing as a perfect diet, and restriction is not the solution.”

However, according to her, a few key steps can be followed:

• Adapt caloric intake: Certainly, the daily caloric need decreases, but it remains important not to restrict your diet too much. Otherwise, there is a risk of falling into a pattern of “yo-yo” diets, which promote lasting weight gain.

• Support the microbiota: Consume foods rich in pre- and probiotics.


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• Provide enough protein: To preserve muscle mass and support energy metabolism. Optimize the health of the skin, mucous membranes, digestion, as well as mental health.

• Promote essential fatty acids: Include sources of omega 3, 6, and 9 in your diet, such as small fatty fish, vegetable oils (rapeseed, camelina, flax, walnuts), oilseeds (walnuts, chia seeds). , ground flaxseed), olive oil, avocado, eggs, etc.

• Improve your sleep: Sleep plays a crucial role in weight management.

• Maintain daily physical activity: Reduce the time spent sitting and stay active.

• Manage stress: For example: practice cardiac coherence, breathing exercises, etc.

• Avoid excessive alcohol and tobacco.


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