a link in older men, study finds

a link in older men, study finds
a link in older men, study finds

THE results, published in the Journal of Korean Medical Sciencereveal that men aged 60 and over who chew their food excessivelyor 30 chews or more per mouthful, is common almost three times higher risk of dementia than those who take less than ten chews.

The study showed that each series of five additional chews increased this risk by 16%. This excessive chewing behavior could be linked to an unconscious attempt by men to stimulate blood flow to their brains. Researchers suggest that this overstimulation through chewing would be a compensatory reaction aimed at slowing cognitive decline. Indeed, it is well known that Chewing activates certain regions of the brain, increasing oxygenation and blood flow, both essential for maintaining brain health.

Researchers also found that this increased chewing habit was associated with a decrease in brain volume, a factor often seen in people with dementia. By chewing more frequently and vigorously, older men could try to lessen the effects of the disease by stimulating their brains, which would explain why this habit becomes more common as dementia progresses.

A difference between the sexes

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