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She spends 39 hours in a chair in the emergency room, her ordeal ends very badly

She spends 39 hours in a chair in the emergency room, her ordeal ends very badly
She spends 39 hours in a chair in the emergency room, her ordeal ends very badly

Due to her numerous health problems, Marina Young regularly went to the hospital, explains the Daily
. On June 20, 2022, Marina’s sister Michelle drove Marina to Royal Preston Hospital after Marina felt sudden shortness of breath and a severe migraine. A former nurse, Michelle immediately informs the medical teams of her sister’s medical history.

For 39 long hours, Marina remained seated in an uncomfortable chair in a crowded emergency department, while battling a severe asthma attack. Although Marina’s condition deteriorated, the medical staff did not administer the necessary treatments to him on timenor alerted the specialists who could have saved his life.

She spends 39 hours in a chair in the emergency room

Despite Marina’s obvious signs of respiratory distress, the nursing staff did not appreciate the seriousness of his state of health. Although the hospital was overloaded with more than fifty patients waiting for a bed, Marina was not even able to receive the care that would have saved her life.

It was on June 22, around 9 a.m., that Marina was found collapsed in her chair, soaked and wearing the same clothes as two days earlier. In cardiac arrest, doctors were unable to resuscitate herwhile her sister had just arrived to bring some things to Marina.

The family dares to speak out and denounces the dysfunctions

According to an internal hospital report, if Marina had received appropriate care on time, she would probably still be alive. A public inquiry into the circumstances of the tragedy must take place. Michelle, Marina’s sister, also hopes that this investigation will shed light dysfunctions of the health systemparticularly in the care of disabled or vulnerable people.

Selon le Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM), en 2022,
more than 23,000 people died after spending more than 12 hours in emergency departments. This overload, combined with assessment errors, has led to avoidable loss of life, of which Marina Young is just one example.



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