This new store near promotes vaping to quit smoking

This new store near promotes vaping to quit smoking
This new store near Toulouse promotes vaping to quit smoking


Florian Moutafian

Published on

Sep 18, 2024 at 1:06 PM

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It has been welcoming its customers since Monday, September 2, 2024. At 1 avenue de in Escalquens, a new business dedicated to electronic cigarettes opened. Its name: L’Ostal de la Vape. Behind the counter, there are two partners: Daniel Madrid and Florent Andrau.

Both come from the vaping world. They met as salespeople in a shop dedicated to this theme. Before that, Daniel Madrid has written extensively on the subject in the specialist press. “I had a column called The Story of Quitting Smoking in the Vaper’s Journalbecause it’s quitting smoking that interests me in vaping,” he explains.

They stopped smoking

The entrepreneur claims to have quit 32 years of smoking by switching to vaping. His partner has a similar story. “I started smoking at 17. I quickly got down to a pack a day,” says Florent Andrau. In 2019, he started vaping and quit smoking.

In 2022, he applied to a boutique and met Daniel. Both have the same vision of their profession. : “We share the same idea: before being sellers, we are advisors,” summarizes Florent Andrau.

Then they came up with the idea of ​​setting up this project: The Ostal of the vape. “We wanted to stand out with a name in patois because the other stores have English names,” confides Daniel Madrid.

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They want to support their customers

In their premises, the two traders offer everything you need for vaping : ready-to-use kits, tanks, boxes, resistors, e-liquids… Material carefully selected, they assure, but L’Ostal de la vape wants above all to be a place dedicated to supporting customers.

“We do follow-up that is not linked to the purchase. We ask customers to come back to check if everything is okay. We teach them how to vape and how to master their equipment… The important thing is to sell customers what they really need,” insists Daniel Madrid.

Support that the two managers base on their experience in the field of vaping and which they want to confirm by undergoing training with the Amzer Glas organization by tobaccologist Jacques Le Houezec.

Convinced by vaping

Daniel Madrid and Florent Andrau are absolutely convinced by the effectiveness and the merits of vaping in the context of quitting smoking.

“A study (published by Public Health England, an agency dependent on the British health authorities, in 2015, editor’s note) proves that vaping is 95% less harmful than cigarettes… We are not doctors. Our position is on risk reduction. We will not hesitate to direct customers towards other means of quitting… The important thing is to stop smoking… If one day, we have to pack up and leave because there are no more smokers, we will not cry,” swears Daniel Madrid.

Practical information.
The Ostal of the vape
1 avenue de Toulouse in Escalquens.
Open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

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