At Sciences Po , management files a complaint after pro-Palestinian tags and the display of a flag

At Sciences Po , management files a complaint after pro-Palestinian tags and the display of a flag
At Sciences Po Menton, management files a complaint after pro-Palestinian tags and the display of a flag

The management of the establishment does not know whether the authors of these registrations are educated on the campus.

Le Figaro

The Sciences Po Menton campus (Alpes-Maritimes) is once again in the news for pro-Palestinian demands expressed this time through tags but also by the deployment of a Palestinian flag on Tuesday on its main facade. “One year of resistance, one year of genocide”could we read on one of the exterior walls of the Riviera establishment, the day after the commemorations in memory of the victims of Hamas attacks in Israel. “Welcome Luis Vassy (the new director of Sciences Po Editor’s note), blood on your hands, resistance”wrote individuals in front of the entrance to this relocated campus of the Parisian institution.

After these damages, management indicated that they had filed a complaint. “We do not know whether or not the authors of these inscriptions belong to the Sciences Po community”she specifies, adding that the deployment of the flag is “contrary to our regulations”. It was removed “immediately at the request of management”.

On social networks, this militant action which lasted only ten minutes was relayed by the group “Students for justice in Palestine Menton”, formerly “Sciences Palestine”. A collective which had already been at the origin of controversial actions by calling to “boycott Israel”, by participating in a blockade of the establishment and by wanting to organize a conference with elected officials from La insoumise during a dedicated week to Palestine.


While on duty in Menton, MP Alexandra Masson (National Rally) also deplored pro-Palestinian stickers. “Not a voice for the accomplices of the genocide”we could read. “These cowardly acts do not intimidate me: my commitment to Israel remains unwavering”she reacted on her X account. The elected official had requested in April the suspension of regional subsidies granted to the Sciences Po Menton campus.

Also readHicham Touili-Idrissi, one of the leaders of the pro-Palestinian movement at Sciences Po, in the sights of investigators

This university college brings together 514 two-year undergraduate students, 60% of whom are foreign nationals. A specialized course on the Mediterranean and the Middle East is offered. Sciences Po has six other campuses of this type in the region, such as in or . Even if the Menton establishment is one of the smallest in terms of number of students and professors, it is one of the most vocal about the Palestinian cause since the start of the conflict.



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