Travail: say it with your hands

Beyond a change of name, Travail is carrying out a reform aimed at expanding its missions and consolidating unprecedented cooperation within the employment network. Among its priorities: the principle of “going towards” people, with renovated and personalized support.

A desire for inclusiveness illustrated by the holding of a French sign language (LSF) workshop with deaf and hard of hearing employees of France Travail, in partnership with the company Elioz, which offers accessibility solutions. All under the aegis of Sophie Vouzelaud, former runner-up of Miss France 2007, godmother of the Adeda system (welcoming hearing impaired applicants). The objective: to create a sign to designate France Travail and embody its expanded missions.

Translating proximity, help and commitment

The participants relied on the four values ​​of France Travail: simplicity, commitment, openness and expertise. Very quickly, everyone agreed on two signs. The first evokes the notions of support, work, personal assistance, commitment and proximity. The second, which echoes the new logo, represents proximity, work, help, accessibility and commitment.

LSF France Work

Discover these signs with Sophie Vouzelaud,
ambassador of France Travail.

A tongue that moves

LSF relies on the position and movements of fingers, hands, body location and facial expressions.

Since a law of February 11, 2005, it has been recognized as a language in its own right.
There are three types of signs:

  • Iconic signs, inspired by mime. For example, for “help”: place the top hand with a closed fist in the palm of the bottom hand. Then slightly lift both joined hands;
  • Signs inspired by French, which often imitate the first letter of a word. Thus, “truth” is signed with the index and middle fingers which form the letter V, while the arm expresses a specific movement;
  • Invented signs, based on a characteristic specific to a person, a place or a concept. As in the case of France Travail signs, developed from its specificities.


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