Water crisis in Guadeloupe: vigilance in

According to an article in Reporterre, in early September, several residents of Guadeloupe were deprived of running water, revealing a worsening crisis and the authorities’ inability to resolve it.

Our colleague mentions a resident of Gosier. It suffered a nine-day water cut, a situation that has become frequent with cuts due to leaks in infrastructure, estimated at between 60 and 70%. Reporterre indicates that she “purchased a device that can produce water from humidity in the air. “It cost me 2,300 euros, which is a lot of money, but it allows me to recover 13 liters per day.” These 13 liters are used for all purposes. This is less than 10% of the average consumption per capita in .

The daily life of residents also means breaking the bank by buying packs of bottled water.

“In Guadeloupe, residents pay 6.74 euros (excluding taxes) per cubic meter. Or 55% more expensive than in , says our colleague. In addition to high costs, many invoices remain unpaid (43% in 2023), a revolt initiated more than ten years ago. Investments in the network are considered insufficient and the state of the infrastructure compromises supply. Despite the repairs, the pressure remains too low to serve the entire region, leaving residents in a situation of chronic shortage.

More than 60% loss in pipes in Guadeloupe

What is happening in Guadeloupe is an element of a global crisis. Réunion is also concerned. Indeed, the lack of water causes water cuts. This is particularly the case in Salazie, where the water is cut off for several hours a day to preserve the resource.

The water crisis in Guadeloupe recalls existing elements in Reunion. The water distribution system is the same. Kilometers of pipes connect water treatment plants to taps in homes. As in Reunion, this type of installation is impossible to maintain properly. On our island, 35% of drinking water at great expense is lost in the pipes. This proportion exceeds 60% in Guadeloupe.

On our island, this distribution system leads to an average per capita consumption of 180 liters of drinking water per day while 2 liters are enough. The same causes producing the same effects, such a system in Guadeloupe must be responsible for similar consumption.

In addition, Guadeloupe sees its population regularly decline. The pressure on the resource should follow the same path. But the pressure on the resource requires water cuts, which can last several days.

2300 euros to produce 13 liters of water per day without effort

With the same system, the people of Reunion must be vigilant. The consumption of 180 liters of drinking water per day per inhabitant increases the pressure on a resource weakened by the climate crisis. Drought set in, including in the East which was the water tower of Reunion Island. Heavy rains are no longer a daily occurrence, everything is turned upside down.

Faced with the lack of water, Guadeloupeans are adapting to depend less on large French companies and their subsidiaries which control what has become a market.

With an installation costing 2300 euros, it is possible to produce 13 liters of water from air humidity. These 13 liters are enough for a family’s drinking and cooking. The rest of the needs can be met by a well or a cistern storing rainwater.

This seems more suitable in a tropical island country like Reunion, where the climate crisis is making water more scarce. It is important to act to prevent conflicts of use which are sure to arise if daily consumption of drinking water remains at 180 liters per person.




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