Rain-flooding: Guadeloupe placed on red alert, several departments on orange alert: News

Rain-flooding: Guadeloupe placed on red alert, several departments on orange alert: News
Rain-flooding: Guadeloupe placed on red alert, several departments on orange alert: News

In its 10 o’clock weather report, Météo decided to place Corrèze, but also Jura, Ain and Haute-Savoie, Savoie and Isère on orange alert for rain-flooding. Guadeloupe has since been placed on red alert, on orange alert. France has been facing gloomy and rainy weather for several days due to an “atmospheric river”.

Those who dreamed of an Indian summer this September must be very disappointed. Rain and gloom seem to cover a good part of the country in recent days. Some areas are not spared by heavy rainfall.

Thus, in its 10 a.m. bulletin on Thursday, September 26, Météo France placed six departments on orange alert for rain and flooding. These are Corrèze, Isère, Jura, Ain, Savoie and Haute-Savoie. Guadeloupe has since been placed on red alert, and Martinique on orange alert. Weather conditions linked to the circulation of tropical wave number 44 over the Caribbean islands. “The episode will remain very intense until midday, with cumulative rainfall reaching 60 to 80 mm in 3 hours, or even more than 100 mm on the mountain, leading to temporary flooding by runoff and a rapid reaction of the rivers”, estimates Météo France. According to the institute, 15 to 30 mm have already been recorded in the last 24 hours in the metropolitan departments.

A development “closely monitored”

Almost the entire country, with the exception of , the Mediterranean coast and the Cévennes, is on yellow alert for storms, strong winds and/or rain-flooding.In neighbouring departments, there are no plans at this stage to extend the orange alert, but the development of accumulations and their consequences must be closely monitored, particularly in certain usually more sensitive areas of Savoie and Isère.“, indicates Météo France in its weather report of the day.

The rainy disturbance will last a good part of the day on an axis going from New Aquitaine to the Northern Alps and the Jura. This rainy episode is due to an “atmospheric river”, a weather phenomenon from the tropics. It is water vapor transported directly from the Antilles, which is channeled to Europe on a narrow band.

Find all the weather on meteo.orange.fr



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