Need funding to develop bicycle tourism?

ADEME is renewing its support for the development of cycle tourism in with a call for projects in progress until January 31, 2025. This program aims to help socio-professionals and communities to structure and improve infrastructure and services dedicated to cycle tourists, in particular through the Accueil Vélo label.

Bicycle tourism: ADEME extends its call for projects for communities and professionals

The call for projects “ Develop cycle tourism », led by ADEME, aims to support players in the tourism sector and communities in improving the offer for cycle tourists. This program is deployed in three areas, with the promotion of the Accueil Vélo label as a priority.

1/ The Accueil Vélo labeling process

Tourist establishments, such as accommodation, restaurants and tourist offices, are encouraged to join this labeling process, provided of course that they are located near a marked cycle route. The installation of facilities such as secure parking spaces for bicycles is part of the eligibility criteria.

2/ Develop service areas on cycle routes

Develop service areas on cycle routes, like here in Savoie

The second part of the program targets local authorities or managers of stopovers and river ports. This involves encouraging the establishment of service areas along the cycle routes, to guarantee regular and appropriate reception for cycle tourists. These areas must be accessible directly from the cycle routes and respect specific distances (between 10 and 30 km between each area).

3/ Studies to create and secure routes

The by Bike

The call for projects also supports the carrying out of studies to accelerate the creation or development of new sections of cycle routes. Communities and route committees can obtain financial assistance to analyze the feasibility of new infrastructure or improve the safety of existing routes.

A call for bicycle tourism projects open until 2025 by ADEME

There was no more budget to build a footbridge

This national call for projects to develop bicycle tourism is open by ADEME until January 31, 2025. Interested parties are invited to check their eligibility before submitting their application. Funded projects must concern routes already included in national, regional or departmental cycle route plans.

All the useful information is on this dedicated page on the ADEME website. Don’t hesitate to forward this article to your community, it might give them ideas, you never know!

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