Le Marmot David Grincourt: “Aubrac and Bonneval chocolates are my guilty pleasures!”

Le Marmot David Grincourt: “Aubrac and Bonneval chocolates are my guilty pleasures!”
Le Marmot David Grincourt: “Aubrac and Bonneval chocolates are my guilty pleasures!”

Originally from Pierrefiche, near Saint-Geniez-d’Olt, born in 1976, this engineer by training, specialist in stereolithography (one of the basic techniques of 3D technology), blew out his twentieth candle at BMW last year. He has his office at the headquarters of the famous German brand in Munich, named “The four cylinders”. He loves to fill up often in Aveyron!

An emblematic place

Aubrac, which I have enjoyed differently at every age: picking wild strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, building huts or dams on the boraldes as a child, hiking and sports (especially cycling in the summer, a bit of skiing in the winter) growing up, not forgetting lunches at the restaurant Les Myrtilles (which has since closed unfortunately) in Brameloup with family or at the buron with friends, as well as slices of Germaine’s tarts in Aubrac… Nostalgia, when you hold us!

A strong memory

The cleaning-clearing of the source of the Serre, every summer with my grandfather Joseph Bouissou, in order to clean up and reveal the place where the water comes out of the ground. The Serre is a small river that flows between Causse and Aubrac and which has the particularity of separating into two arms and being a tributary of the Lot AND the Aveyron.

A remarkable character

I quote here my grandfather Joseph Bouissou, a visionary on environmental protection. In addition to maintaining the springs and landscapes of his region, he had installed, a long time ago, ecological systems in his two-hundred-year-old family home, including a large rainwater recovery tank. He was a tireless ambassador of his Aveyron, even beyond our borders, as in Algeria where he created and chaired the first Aveyron association.

A ritual, a habit, when you are in Aveyron

There are so many and we never have time to do everything! One example among others is to go on a “pilgrimage” to the Bonneval Abbey, located between Espalion and Laguiole, to stock up on delicious chocolate made by the Cistercian sisters. My favorite has always been the praline bites… But, don’t they say that gluttony is a bad thing?

The ideal postcard

There are as many as the variety of landscapes in Aveyron, but as an engineer, I would mention the viaduct. For its technological and aesthetic prowess, and for the magnificent site of the Tarn Valley, its wide open spaces with the Grands Causses in the background. Splendid!

A dish and/or wine that you love

Homemade aligot enjoyed with the family.

A village festival

The Right Bank Festival in Saint-Geniez-d’Olt. I greet, in passing, my cousins ​​and friends from the Lot Valley and the Serre Valley, in particular from Pierrefiche-d’Olt, Saint-Martin-de-Lenne, Lenne and Saint-Geniez-d’Olt.

A conviction

Aveyron friendly spirit, an essential link to bring Aveyron culture to life and spread it all over the world. With nearly 18 years of expatriation, I am sensitive to it. I would like to extend a friendly greeting to my friends at Aveyron Worldwide, including the founders Christophe Palous and Stéphane Rouquette. They have succeeded, in just ten years (Editor’s note: the candles were blown out this summer on the Aubrac!), in bringing together nearly 2,500 Aveyronnais from all over the world by cultivating the values ​​of exchange and sharing around Aveyron culture.

A motto

Dreams give work, you must never stop dreaming!

A favorite

It will be artistic, with the Soulages museum in . to discover and rediscover without moderation.



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