But why does Jordan Bardella want to eliminate the ARS?

But why does Jordan Bardella want to eliminate the ARS?
But why does Jordan Bardella want to eliminate the ARS?

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– The abolition of the ARS is a proposal from the RN.

Soon the end of the ARS? This three-letter acronym is probably familiar to you. During the Covid pandemic, these regional health agencies (ARS) have increased recommendations and measures to limit contamination between people. If the National Rally (RN) manages to obtain a majority at the end of the legislative electionshe promises to eliminate these local authorities. In a speech given on Monday, June 24, Jordan Bardella considers this reform necessary to “debureaucratize health“. This announcement is not new, because for years, Marine Le Pen’s party has advocated the closure of these agencies. In a press release dated April 27, 2020, the RN already pointed the finger at these institutions “technocratic and bureaucratic (…) where cronyism and excess of delusional standards reign».

So, what would Jordan Bardella replace the ARS with if he were to gain access to Matignon? It would be the “prefects to coordinate health actions directly in conjunction with a delegated health prefect from the field, a prefectural responsibility will make it possible to departmentalize health“, supports the president of the RN. An additional mission which would therefore strengthen the role of the prefects. In the columns of the Parisian, Gérard Raymond, president of France Assos santé, believes that this political will “does not really seem to go in the direction of decentralization. We would even risk even more verticality which would also go hand in hand with a new dirigiste power».

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What is the role of the ARS?

These agencies were established in 2009, 11 years before the Covid-19 pandemic. They were set up by the so-called “HPST” law of July 21, 2009. Initially with 26 agencies, then 17 after the reform of the regions following a 2015 law, their main mission is to organize regional health policy. To do this, they provide budgets, authorize or not the creation of establishments in the region, etc. It is these authorities which “coordinate and allocate the operating budget of hospitals, clinics, care centers as well as structures for the elderly, disabled and dependent people“, explains the ARS website.

Ten years after their creation, the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly drew up a report in “halftone“. In a report submitted on June 16, 2021, the rapporteurs wrote that “the “HPST” law has in fact created structures with a considerable scope of action and which today are often perceived as “technocratic juggernauts” by those in the field”. The «geographical gigantism” posed a particular question. The parliamentary work of the time did not propose the abolition of the ARS but a reform deemed necessary with, for example, “the strengthening of regional counter-powers to control their actions».



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