Long Covid and adverse effects: Understanding and treating

Long Covid and adverse effects: Understanding and treating
Long Covid and adverse effects: Understanding and treating

Covid-19, long Covid, adverse effects of the vaccine… Patients must understand their pathology, doctors must be equipped to treat them! Below, the video.

Long Covid and adverse effects of the vaccine

At the beginning of the health crisis, while understanding of the coronavirus was stalling, a new reality emerged, beyond the initial acute infection. Long Covid defies any simplistic explanation. Patients suffered from a variety of ailments: extreme fatigue, respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems, neurological disorders, etc. And doctors were desperately looking for answers and therapeutic solutions.

Understanding and treating symptoms

A few months later, with the launch of the anti-Covid-19 vaccination, medical personnel must face a sharp increase in adverse effects linked to this new “vaccine”. However, understanding and treating the symptoms of a viral disease, or the adverse effects of a vaccine, involves considering the functioning of the human body as a whole, as well as the associated physiological mechanisms, and not focusing solely on the virus itself. -even.

The real culprit is not the virus

If you want to know how the virus affects the body, how it is fought by it and why some people develop more serious symptoms than others, or even specific pathologies, this book is for you!
You will be surprised to discover that the “real” cause of Covid-19 is not directly the SARS CoV-2 virus, but the dysfunction of the renin-angiotensin system, a complex physiological system present in all organs and tissues of the human body.

Thus, this work aims to make the biological mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 accessible to health professionals and patients. It offers promising treatment options to some two million French people suffering from long post-infectious or post-vaccination Covid.

Jean-Marc Sabatiera research director at the CNRS, doctor in cell biology and microbiology, authorized to direct research in biochemistry, is a specialist in vaccines and therapies based on modified proteins. Editor-in-chief of several international scientific journals, he is a member of expert committees for 73 scientific journals. He has also published more than 270 scientific articles or specialized books, filed 55 patents and received several awards for his research work.
Estelle Fougeres is an independent science journalist.



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