Small plane with three French people on board missing in Italy

Small plane with three French people on board missing in Italy
Small plane with three French people on board missing in Italy

The Alpine rescue services of the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna reported on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, that a small tourist plane carrying three French nationals had gone missing. “The plane left from Paolucci airport,” near Modena (Emilia-Romagna) “towards ”, indicate the Alpine rescue on their website.

Difficult research

Rescue operations have been launched. The Alpine rescue services are taking part, as are the air force and the carabinieri, the Italian agency said. Ansa . L’Agence France-Presse explains that they are mainly concentrated in the province of Parma, located about fifty kilometers from the airport from which the small plane took off.

“Unfortunately, the current weather conditions, with rain, strong wind and poor visibility, make the search particularly difficult, excluding the use of helicopters for the moment,” Alpine rescue services specify.



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