A sublime tribute to Natalie Portman to close the American Festival

A sublime tribute to Natalie Portman to close the American Festival


Sophie Quesnel

Published on

Sep 15, 2024 at 7:45 p.m.

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Invited in 2023 but prevented by the strike in Hollywood, Natalie Portman had committed to coming to Deauville for the 50th edition of its American Festival.

A promise she kept in a very beautiful way. Generous in the signatures autographs for her fans, cooperative with photographers and smiling with everyone, she left her mark on the 2024 vintage.

Reconciliation with the public

A few hours before receiving his Deauville Talent Award on the stage of the Deauville International Center (CID), Natalie Portman inaugurated the cabin in his name on the Planches.

While waiting for the star, the rumor that she had snubbed, last May, her Cannes fans filled the seafront. Their counterparts in Deauville, many of whom had been waiting since the morning, feared that the actress would replay the scene in Normandie.

Masterfully driven by the mayor Philippe Augier, Natalie Portman took the time to sign autographs, an exercise she did without losing her smile.

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As tradition dictates, before leaving her fans, the heroine of Léon signed the City’s guestbook, where she left a dedication as adorable as she is: “Thank you for a beautiful welcome to the most charming city.” [Merci pour le magnifique accueil dans la plus charmante des villes]

Natalie Portman inaugurated her cabin in front of a crowd of photographers. ©Dominique SAINT

Isabelle Adjani’s poignant tribute

The public knew thatIsabelle Adjani had been chosen to deliver the Deauville Talent Award has Natalie Portmanuntil the last moment, he did not really dare to believe that the French star would appear on the red carpet.

In a black sequined tuxedo and gloves, she appeared relaxed to deliver the Festival the longest and the most moving speeches since the creation of the tributes.

Isabelle Adjani on the carpet in a black sequined tuxedo. ©Dominique SAINT

A moment that will remain engraved in the history of this Festival,

Laurie Cholewa, Canal+ journalist

Alternating between a “vous” of respect and a “tu” of proximity, Isabelle Adjani explored the life and career of Natalie PortmanThe common thread running through her speech is the actress’s ongoing fight for women’s rights and her involvement in the #MeTootriggered the noisy enthusiasm of an admiring audience.

“Cinema and you, it started very early in a shattering way. You were 13 years old and no one has forgotten the character of little Mathilda who resisted so well in this universe of men. Thirteen years old, it is also the age when you opened your first fan letter. You were enthusiastic until you read the unbearable fantasy of a man who confused you with the character. Social networks did not yet exist but indecency and harassment already existed.”

Isabelle Adjani evokes the birth of the movement #MeToo « which began in our glittering world of cinema, revealing the behind the scenes. It became an international movement, the testimonies were so numerous that the world of cinema, nor any profession concerned, could not ignore this time that something was happening. And this time, there would be a before and an after #MeToo who grew up thanks to you, Natalie.”

Overwhelmed with emotion at the evocation of these memories Isabelle Adjani continued by evoking the ongoing involvement of Natalie Portman in the fight: “Women are not alone. You have been a spokesperson for the movement Time’s Up created in response to the Weinstien affair” recalled Isabelle Adjani before referring to the speech of the star engaged at UNESCO to denounce violence against women.

Isabelle Adjani then spoke about the rich career of the woman who received an Oscar for Black Swann and was notably the masterly interpreter of Jackie Kennedy : “A multifaceted actress who acts and doesn’t act. A beauty of all time. A Harvard-educated intellectual, a luxury icon, a committed feminist.”

“She is the real queen”

The emotion ofIsabelle Adjani swept through the room before reaching its climax when the performer of Black Swan joined the stage to the music of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.

Natalie Portman then threw herself into Isabelle Adjani’s arms and the extinction of the two stars perfectly translated the accuracy of the words of one and the gratitude of the other. She expressed them in these words: “Isabelle, thank you for your kind words and your generosity. I love your work and your films” Then with malice et respect Addressing the audience, Natalie said of Isabelle: “She is the real queen.” A tribute that triggered thunderous applause.

Natalie Portman speaking to the audience Natalie said of Isabelle: “She is the real queen.” ©Dominique SAINT

“The Deauville Festival has always been a bridge between our two cinematographic cultures,” the actress said before adding: “I am an American who lives in France.

Celebrating the coming together of American and French cinema is truly incredible. I am very lucky to live in both worlds.” Saturday, more than 1,000 people had also been lucky enough to be, for one evening, on the bridge between these two worlds in order to salute the career and celebrate the talent of a bright star and a determined woman.

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