Jackson celebrates 5 years of sobriety with a video retracing her journey

Jackson celebrates 5 years of sobriety with a video retracing her journey
Paris Jackson celebrates 5 years of sobriety with a video retracing her journey

Jackson is celebrating a very special birthday at the start of the year. The one at the start of his journey to sobriety. Michael Jackson’s daughter shared a video on Instagram this morning celebrating five years of freedom from her former addictions to alcohol and heroin. Without tongue in cheek, the 26-year-old artist spoke about her new life since she managed to leave her old demons behind her.

“Today, I have been abstaining from drugs and alcohol for 5 years. To say I am grateful would be a poor understatement. Gratitude is just scratching the surface,” she wrote in the caption of a mix of images showing her during her time using alcohol and illicit substances, and, more recently, laughing or admiring signs of his sobriety, like rehab tokens marking his number of days sober.

“Life goes on”

Paris Jackson now seems more fulfilled and smiling in this daily life which allows her to better enjoy her interests and passions. “It’s because I’m sober that I can smile today,” she continued. “I can make music. I can feel the joy of loving my dogs and my cat. I can feel the heartache in all its magnitude. I can cry. I can laugh. I can dance. I can trust. I feel the sun on my skin and it is warm. I discovered that life goes on regardless of whether I am sober or not, but today I can face it.”

A daily life that she has recently had the joy of sharing with her fiancé, music producer Justin Long, to whom she dedicated a post full of love for his birthday last month. At the end of her message, faced with images from the video depicting her life before sobriety, the actress and musician said she was incredulous at “how much I missed.” In conclusion, she simply indicated: “thank you, 1.7.2020” (January 7, 2020), the date on which the young woman reviewed her lifestyle.



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