From the movie sets to the polished parquet floor of “Dancing with the Stars”, there is only one cha-cha-cha step that actress Mayane-Sarah El Baze is preparing to perform. The actress, revealed in the comedy of the year “Un p’tit truc en plus”, is in fact announced in the motley cast of the fourteenth season of the TF1 competition. She joins athletes Florent Manaudou and Adil Rami, former “Star Academy” candidate Lénie, actress Charlotte de Turckheim, Miss France 2024 Ève Gilles and finally host Sophie Davant, the last one called up. All these beautiful people will have to show their dancing potential in the coming weeks.
Passionate about modern jazz
For Mayane-Sarah El Baze, this participation is a nice spotlight after her notable appearance in the feature film by Artus, the biggest success at the French box office in 2024 with more than ten million admissions in theaters. A carrier of Down syndrome, the 21-year-old from Villeurbanne played the role of Mayane, a flirtatious and seductive young woman. Before this role which revealed her to the general public, the young woman active on social networks had already been seen in the series “HPI” worn by Audrey Fleurot on TF1 and “So far so good” directed by Nawell Madani and broadcast on Netflix. Her charisma but also her swaying hips on TikTok – she is passionate about dance, particularly modern jazz – did not leave the producers of “DALS” indifferent, who offered to exploit her potential in prime time.
Also read: “Dancing with the stars”: Ève Gilles (Miss France 2024) joins the cast of the next season of the TF1 show
This naturalness had previously seduced Artus, who did not hesitate to hire her after auditioning her for “Un p’tit truc en plus”. “Mayane, that’s not the image we first have when we imagine someone with ‘A little something extra’. And so I wanted that, I wanted that girly side. She’s young, she’s shy, She’s a seductress, Mayane, she knows how to take the camera, she knows how to look good, she knows how to position herself well.“, the young director confided to France info. So will she burst onto the screen again? Answer in a few weeks on TF1.