Singer Jenifer appeared in a tight velvet jumpsuit at the launch party for her collaboration with the Graine de Malice brand. In reactions to these images, Internet users made all kinds of inappropriate comments about his weight.
“Give him something to eat”: Jenifer too thin? Internet users are multiplying their comments on his physique
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Is Jennifer too skinny? It is around this question that some Internet users blacken the comments under a video of the singer published on Instagram on November 21. There 42 year old Nice girl is currently in full promotion of his new album Jukebox. She is also preparing to start a tour throughout France.
Also read: “Eat something!” : this famous singer worries the web because she is “too skinny”
Jenifer's tight jumpsuit
But that is not what is being criticized. On the occasion of the launch party of her collaboration with the brand Grain de Malice, the interpreter of “Au soleil” lends herself to the “fashion point” of journalist Leslie Benaroch. “I chose to wear this very pleasant velvet jumpsuit”describes the singer. She is indeed wearing a tight-fitting bell-bottom jumpsuit in vermilion red corduroy.
An outfit that we see her wearing again on her Instagram account, alongside the other outfits from Jenifer's collab with Graine de Malice. “Very proud of these pieces that we co-designed together!”she wrote in the caption of her November 25 publication.
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Internet users' reactions
If the journalist who films Jenifer concludes her video by telling her that she is “Magnificent”Internet users are not all of this opinion. Some believe that the singer should gain weight. And of course, not content with giving their unsolicited opinion on the physique of another person, the way of expressing it also leaves something to be desired. “Too skinny”, “Feed him” or even “She is thinner than the retirement of old people”allow themselves to write the subscribers.
Fortunately, these inappropriate reflections are in the minority in the comments. Most of the Internet users who reacted to the images of the singer were on the contrary benevolent, competing with compliments for the attention of the one who still sings them a song.