Mélanie Gonzalez (Large families) gives news after having painful contractions at seven months of pregnancy

Mélanie Gonzalez (Large families) gives news after having painful contractions at seven months of pregnancy
Mélanie Gonzalez (Large families) gives news after having painful contractions at seven months of pregnancy

Mélanie Gonzalez, pregnant with her ninth child, worried her community by revealing that she had painful contractions at seven months of pregnancy. The day after this big scare, the star of Large families reassured his fans about his state of health.

After having a miscarriage during the summer of 2023, Mélanie Gonzalez, revealed in Large families: life in XXL on TF1, had announced that she was expecting a happy event to her subscribers. It was through a touching video posted on her Instagram account that the mother revealed that she was pregnant with her ninth child, the fruit of her love with her husband Franck. “After a very special year 2023, but we had to go through it… Our book continues to be written with beautiful colored pages since a long-awaited little love baby will arrive”she wrote in the caption of her publication. Since then, the star of Large families shares the good and bad times of her pregnancy with her community.

Mélanie Gonzalez forced to lie down after having painful contractions

On Friday, June 28, Mélanie Gonzalez worried her subscribers by telling them that she had had contractions. “during two hours”. “Yesterday, big scare! I had contractions for the first time. They were bearable, but really regular. I’m really going to have to take it easy. It went away in the evening with medication and rest. At home, there’s no air, it wasn’t pleasant at all. Afterwards, I drove a lot.”she told them. The day after this huge scare, the star of Large families wanted to reassure them by giving them information about his state of health. I’m much better, I’m going to take it easy today after working early, because tonight we have our friends’ wedding vow renewal. So, I take the opportunity to sort out the baby’s things (…) But, I remain lying downwe can read in his Instagram story.

Mélanie Gonzalez: her painful confidences about her ninth pregnancy after suffering a miscarriage

If Mélanie Gonzalez has been so anxious since the start of her pregnancy, it is in particular because of the miscarriage she suffered last July. “Last year, with Franck, we decided to have one last baby. Unfortunately, this pregnancy ended and we lost the twins. It was very, very complicated. The first three months, I said to myself: “It will stop,” like it stopped every time. The gynecologist told us that the pregnancy was going well, that it was a progressive pregnancy. However, zero risk does not exist. I know it (…) As long as I don’t have my baby in my arms, I will always tell myself that everything could stop at any moment.” she confided on her social networks.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias



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