PA Méthot speaks at the dawn of the Nord-de-Rire Festival (and you could win VIP tickets)

PA Méthot speaks at the dawn of the Nord-de-Rire Festival (and you could win VIP tickets)
PA Méthot speaks at the dawn of the Nord-de-Rire Festival (and you could win VIP tickets)

A marge du festival North of Laughterwhich will take place in Mirabel, from July 4 to 6, HollywoodPQ had the chance to speak with the friendly and authentic PA Méthotwho will close the event with a very promising number.

In this interview, the comedian opens up on several very interesting subjects, such as his presence at the festival, his passion for radio, his break from touring and his state of health.

HollywoodPQ: “What does it mean to you to be part of the festival North of Laughter

PA Méthot: “I was in break tour since last summer, I took a break two years (…) but, it is sure and certain that it flows through my veins. I had the taste to do a little, but I had the taste to do things differently too. It is sure that Just for Laughs et ComediHa!we do them every year, but I like doing new festivals, places I haven’t been to often, so I’m really happy! There are some that have sprung up everywhere in Quebec, smaller festivals, but it’s really cool because people are happy that we go see them in their country.”

HPQ: “What can we expect?”

P-A: “(…) It’s full of new businesses that have never been in one-man-shows again, which have never been shown on TV, these are other affairs that I had written in the last year of my one-man-show. Plus some little things from my last one, which wasn’t picked up so people didn’t see it on TV (…) a good hour of big fun

HPQ: “Can you tell us more about the topics you are going to cover?”

P-A: “Of course, I talk about myself all the time! I talk about myself all the time, because I can’t sue myself, that would be silly as a crime. (laughs) I protect myself the same way, if I laugh at someone, I laugh at myself. I laugh at my fifties, I laugh at my weight loss (…) I talk about the heart operation I had, how I am now, the fact that I have a 13-year-old daughter and that it’s completely different and that I wasn’t ready for that at all. I was a dad until I was about eight years old, it was fine, but from eight onwards, I was just a it’s been of uselessness in the house!”

HPQ: “Which comedian would you most like to see perform at the festival?”

P-A: «Simon Leblanc! He is the best of us all! (…) it is the most true. I have rarely seen that, I do not know anyone except Marthe Laverdièrein life, which is as authentic as Simon Leblanc. It’s disconcerting… This guy could have a gigantic career, but he wants to do it his way. (…) In the show he shows us decamp all the bothg, he’s the best of us all, he’s Simon Leblanc (…)»

HPQ: “We are talking about the forces of Simon Leblancbut you, what are your strengths on stage?

P-A: “Transparency, I have often been told that. I don’t have a filter. (…) I will say things as I think them, as I experience them. I talk about myself, I confide a lot, everything I say in my show These are real things that really happened to me (…) people who meet me outside the stage usually say: We are not disappointed, you are also fine!but as my grandfather would say: If you don’t like heat, don’t come into my kitchen. (…) There was a lady, at one point, who gave me a really nice compliment, she said to me: You are harmless, that’s why the world loves you!that’s a magnificent compliment, it means that people are not afraid of me (…)”

HPQ: “You took a break from performing to concentrate on radio, can we say that like that?”

P-A: “No, radio came as a gift in all of this, I stopped because I was tired, quite simply, there is no other reason. I was tired, I was at 350 a few performances and there was Covid through that and I was really tired and I was starting to be less into it before the show (…) Jean-Michel Anctil told me that at one point he got to the point of getting sick of it and after that he was no longer able to get on a stage…So I did: I won’t go that far, I know myself and this is the beginning of something that I feel. So before embarking on the hill, no brakes on my bicycle, I must withdraw immediately. (…) it was a wise decision (…)”

HPQ: “Since things are better now, are you planning a new one? one-man-show

P-A: “It’s considerable. I’m definitely going to go back and do one one-man-show, because I told myself that I would do at least three, now I actually have one. But, when that happens, I have no idea, but you would tell me tomorrow morning: Would you be ready to go back on tour?I have one show ready, a year since I stopped… can you imagine the pile of notes I’ve taken over the past year! (…)”

HPQ: “We were talking about your fatigue earlier, but how is your physical health and your heart?”

P-A: “That’s going really well, that’s just good news! Me, when I went back to the hospital and had the operation, I had an ejection fraction of 19% and at 15%, you put yourself on the list for the transplant, so I was not far. With the operation, the medication and everything, it went back up to 69%, which is almost a miracle. It’s because I’m super responsive to medication and that’s a good deal and I lost weight, my heart got smaller because it was too thick, the wall was too thick, so it’s is just good, I just gave myself 10, 15 years (…)”

HPQ: “Have you valued life more since then?”

P-A: “No! (laughs) Yes, we value life more, but we take it more lightly, everything is made less serious.”

HPQ: “So, now you’re in shape and ready to perform and have fun on stage, including at another festival (…)?”

P-A: “(…) Yes! (…) And Trucker heart also, season three which we start shooting in August!”

HPQ: “Do you like hosting this show?”

P-A: “This is my gift of life, in my career, Trucker Heart, it’s a big gift! One, they never asked me to be funny, two, they always asked me to be as much myself as possible and three, they didn’t ask me to be a TV host, they asked me to support candidates, make them feel comfortable. That’s my best (…)»

HPQ: “A word to encourage people to come to the Festival North of Laughter in Mirabel?

P-A: “Hello gang from Mirabel, I’m coming to see you with Mariana Mazza In a little while, I’m starting my vacation with you guys, we’re going to smash everything and it’s free!

Thanks to PA Méthot for this very pleasant moment, we wish him a great festival as well as to the artisans, organizers and amateurs who will be in Mirabel!

Furthermore, don’t miss the incredible chance to win VIP treatment during the festival by registering for the competition below, including:

VIP parking, Tickets to attend the Gong Show, Access to dtwo comedy evenings (Friday and Saturday) in the VIP Zone and rmeeting and selfie with an artist!

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