Nadège Lacroix pregnant with Emanuel (MAPR), she reveals her baby bump

Nadège Lacroix pregnant with Emanuel (MAPR), she reveals her baby bump
Nadège Lacroix pregnant with Emanuel (MAPR), she reveals her baby bump

By Aurélie H

– Published on June 28, 2024 at 7:57 p.m.modified on June 28, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

Big surprise! Nadège Lacroix has just announced that she is pregnant with her first child. She revealed photos of her baby bump with Emanuel.

Nadège Lacroix and Emanuel didn’t meet on television, but it was thanks to her that they became a couple! But while everything seemed to be going well between them, the young woman had proof that her partner had not been very faithful. At first, however, she had a hard time believing it. On Instagram, she then announced their separation: After several breakups and several attempts at reconciliation, we mutually decided to end our relationship. So I’ll be back on my networks in a few days, once I’ve got my wits and my life back!”

Infidelities that made noise on the Web

In the process, she blurted out: I have proof of these numerous deceptions! (…) The ideal son-in-law… A very beautiful person… Thank you networks. Sometimes it hurts! But at least we see people’s true faces written in black and white!!!” For his part, Emanuel has always denied having cheated on Nadège: I see so many false rumors on the networks. CIt’s nonsense. Nadège and I are over, you know, for our own reasons. She knows why and so do I, so I’m not going to debate for hours about it. I wish him all the happiness in the world. He’s a good person and I don’t want to worry (…) Don’t believe everything you see on social media“.

Nadège Lacroix and Emanuel back together

Against all expectations, Nadège Lacroix and Emanuel appeared together again on social networks very shortly after their breakup. And the young man affirmed, he is ready to change! I apologize for hurting you with my words and actions. I regret sending messages to others, but I have not been physically unfaithful. I ask for your forgiveness and a chance to right my mistakes. I am ready to change and I have already changed and opened my eyes to rebuild our relationship”he wrote on the Web.

Nadège Lacroix is ​​halfway through her pregnancy

This Friday, June 28, the couple’s relationship has just taken a whole new turn, since they are going to be parents soon! On Instagram, they published two photos where Nadège Lacroix reveals her baby bump. In the caption, she then wrote: “A new chapter opens… Oops… sometimes life has wonderful surprises in store for us! We are very happy to announce that the family is growing. A baby! A little soul who chose us. And in 2 weeks we are already halfway through the pregnancy…. Yes yes! It was hard not to share all this with you! Even if many of you suspected it…”

Internet users react

Internet users very quickly commented on Nadège Lacroix’s Instagram publication. Among the many comments that were published, we could read: “You who wanted to be a mother so much. Enjoy every minute. It’s fucking hard but it’s the most beautiful adventure of a life”, “You who dreamed of becoming a mother, it’s incredible”, “Congratulations to you two for this happiness that awaits you”, “Congratulations Nadège you deserve it” or even “Congratulations to you both so happy why you Nadège”.



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