diktat of happiness, introspection… 3 books to learn to know yourself better

diktat of happiness, introspection… 3 books to learn to know yourself better
diktat of happiness, introspection… 3 books to learn to know yourself better

As summer is a time for reading and introspection, here are three new books to reflect on the definition of happiness, learn to know yourself better and improve your attention skills.

“So far, so bad” by Louise Aubery

©Harper Collins

A content creator followed by more than a million people on social media, Louise Aubery has set herself a mission: to help her subscribers and readers take control of their lives, and give them the keys to escape the dictates of happiness. Do we absolutely have to be happy? Throughout her book “Jusqu’ici tout va mal”, an inspiring story that develops our critical thinking and stands out in the usual landscape of personal development, the author encourages us to ask ourselves questions rather than seeking answers at all costs.

“So far everything is going bad”, Louise Aubery, ed. Harper Collins, 224 pages, €12.90.

“The Superpowers of the Zodiac,” by Guillaume Cosnier

©Arcana Sacra

To know yourself better, you can also count on the stars, and more precisely on the work of Guillaume Cosnier, called “The super powers of the zodiac”, which offers an approach that is both deep and playful. study of signs. While drawing parallels with pop culture references, the astrologer gives readers all the tools necessary to learn about this discipline and become aware of its unsuspected capabilities.

“The Superpowers of the Zodiac,” by Guillaume Cosnier, Arcana Sacra ed., 240 pages, €23.50.

“Your attention is your superpower,” by Fabien Olicard


Another reference book to accompany you this summer: “Your attention is your superpower”, written by mentalist Fabien Olicard. While we are constantly stimulated by screens, the expert returns to the mechanisms of our brain and invites us to regain control of our attention. Punctuated by exercises, games and puzzles, this instructive and entertaining book is aimed at all those who want to (re)learn to concentrate, and is a valuable guide to improve your daily life.

“Your attention is your superpower”, by Fabien Olicard, ed. First, 216 pages, €18.95.



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