Eva Longoria (La terre des femmes): “If I hadn’t been an actress, I would have loved to be a sommelier!”

Eva Longoria (La terre des femmes): “If I hadn’t been an actress, I would have loved to be a sommelier!”
Eva Longoria (La terre des femmes): “If I hadn’t been an actress, I would have loved to be a sommelier!”

How would you react if you discovered, like Gala, that your husband has squandered all your fortune?

Eva Longoria. I would kill him of course! (Laughs). Especially if, like in the series, not only did he lose all our money but we were also being chased by his creditors!

Why was it so important for you to produce and carry a series linked to your origins?

My ancestors are Spanish and yet I never spoke their language until I met my husband, who is Mexican, ten years ago. I had never played in Spanish before The Land of Women. During filming, I would sometimes mangle words. Carmen Maura, who plays my mother, would laugh and correct me. It was a real challenge that I am very proud of.

What do you have in common with Gala?

Love of wine! (Laughs). I am a connoisseur in this field. If I had not been an actress, I would have loved to be a sommelier. Besides, during the filming of the series in Catalonia, we used to go to a lovely restaurant where I kept asking questions about how their wines were made. As for the rest, Gala is my opposite! She is not resourceful, she has never worked hard in her life and now she has to.

Is this new series also a tribute to the female figures in your family to whom you are very close?

You want to laugh ? My life is a land of women! (Laugh). I have three sisters, nine aunts, all strong, independent, intelligent and tough. I always dreamed of being a little bit of each of them. I like that, in the series, it is the women who run the wine cooperative, I would like the same to be true for Hollywood and all industries in general. We are naturally multitaskers, I think we could do a lot more… Especially within government.

The Longoria family comes from Spain, and you yourself are going to move there soon. Can we say that this series ultimately led you down a strange path?

It’s true that I spend more and more time there, whether for work or with my family. I feel good there, I have a house there. Yes, I need to reconnect with my roots and develop projects in this direction.

This summer you will be in season 3 of Only Murders in the Building on Disney+. How happy are you to be back in the world of series?

I’m so excited! Only Murders in the bulding is a textbook case. It’s so much fun to work with comedy giants: Steve Martin, Martin Short, Meryl Streep, Melissa McCarthy Eugene Levy, Zach Galifianakis… At certain moments, I was like, “Where am I??” (Laughs). I find that on the platforms, it’s all about dystopias, apocalypse and zombies. With The land of women, I wanted to offer an escape, a series that would take place in a truly magnificent place, with dynamic and endearing characters. I think I achieved my goal, right?

Where to watch The Land of Women?



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