David Pujadas explains why his daughter changed her last name

David Pujadas explains why his daughter changed her last name
David Pujadas explains why his daughter changed her last name

Par Félicité Peyridieu

6 hours ago,

Update 6 hours ago

David Pujadas on the Buzz TV set, Tuesday June 25, 2024, answers questions from Sarah Lecoeuvre.
Screenshot Le Figaro TV

Invited to “Buzz TV” to discuss the 30th anniversary of La Chaîne Info, the presenter addressed a very personal subject: his four children and in particular the case of one of his daughters, who is pursuing a career in journalism.

This Tuesday, June 25, the presenter and producer David Pujadas was the guest of “Buzz TV”, on the occasion of LCI’s thirtieth anniversary. The latter returned to career and personal anecdotes. Our journalist also questioned him about his affiliation with the radio. “I did free radio a long time ago” David Pujadas recalled with a smile.

“I regularly had offers to do morning shows, but either I was at 8 p.m., which was complicated, or today I am a producer, so it’s also complicated. (…) Afterwards, I won’t hide it from you, getting up at 2 a.m. every day is not really in my spontaneous biological rhythm! » explains the presenter with humor.

“Olympic form”

David Pujadas also answers the question of Ariel Dombasle, guest of “Buzz TV” last Monday, on his “Olympic form”. The journalist explains: “I workout. I play tennis, I swim a lot, whenever I can, I do a little kitesurfing, I walk in the summer, before I went high mountaineering. We need to play sports, unwind, read novels: relieve the pressure physically and nervously.”

Read also“I was a bit stuck on air”: David Pujadas reacts with humor to his first TV appearance on LCI

Family is also, for David Pujadas, a very important element of his life: “I have four children and it’s a bath that helps you too,” specifies the 59-year-old man. He then talks about his ideal vision for his retirement: “I happily envision long beaches, where I could read many more novels, see many more films… And of course, see many more of my children and I hope their descendants afterwards!” he finished enthusiastically.

Sarah Lecoeuvre bounces back: “And your children, by the way, are there any journalists among them?” David Pujadas smiled: “There is a journalist among them.” “A “Pujadas” that will happen? » replies the presenter. “No, she’s already there. But, permanently being her father’s daughter when she starts, so she changed her name and I won’t allow myself to reveal it», replied the LCI presenter with mystery. The young woman’s new name remains well guarded by her father.




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