“The month of September will be strong”: Faustine Bollaert arrives on RTL with daily news at the start of the school year

“The month of September will be strong”: Faustine Bollaert arrives on RTL with daily news at the start of the school year
“The month of September will be strong”: Faustine Bollaert arrives on RTL with daily news at the start of the school year

RTL disrupts its early evenings. In anticipation of the next school year, the M6 ​​group station has recruited Faustine Bollaert. The presenter of “It starts today” thus inherits, from Monday August 26, 2024, a second daily program based, like that of France 2, on a collection of testimonies. According to “Le Parisien”, which revealed this information confirmed by RTL, the host will receive everyday heroes, known as anonymous, to talk about impromptu life changes.

Faustine Bollaert returns to radio eight years after France Bleu

I wish the show was called ‘Heroes’“, the host, who will sit at the microphone of Neuilly-sur-Seine radio at the start of the evening, told the Ile-de-France newspaper. “They will be ordinary people who have had extraordinary things happen to them. It will be a one-on-one meeting, without psychologist expertise, so that my guests can talk about their life stories.“, she explained. “I don’t want the attention to be on me, I’m a light bringer“.

Asked about the difficulty of running two daily newspapers at the same time, Faustine Bollaert, who also announces her renewal to the presentation of “Prodiges” on La Deux at the end of the year and more issues of “La Boîte à secrets” on France 3, knows that “September will be tough“. “But this new meeting will have added value, with another way of meeting people. And then I have the chance to bring with me people with whom I work on France 2, so that everything is done in intelligent coordination“.

Established for many years on Europe 1 (2004-2012), Faustine Bollaert thus returns to the radio media that she left eight years ago. Her last experience dates back to “Je suis d’où je viens” which she presented in 2015-2016 on France Bleu.I don’t think there’s an interview where I don’t say that I want to do radio again… This medium allows for even greater proximity than television, without the image barrier. Just the play of the voice, of the silences… And there, I am very proud to be able to do it with this radio, with which I have a very strong common DNA“.



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