this princely duplex where he resides today

this princely duplex where he resides today
this princely duplex where he resides today

Discreet in the world of politics for several years now, Dominique de Villepin has succumbed to the charms of a luxurious princely duplex in the heart of the French capital. Discovery.

Dominique de Villepin: Jacques Chirac’s former right-hand man

President of the French Republic from 1995 to 2007, Jacques Chirac counted number of prime ministers. Among them, Dominique de Villepin who governed for two years, from 2005 until the end of President Chirac’s last term, in 2007. At the dawn of the end of five-year term by Nicolas Sarkozy, Dominique de Villepin introduced himself in the 2012 presidential electionsbut obviously did not conquer the French.

Shortly after, the politician withdrew from the media to conquer the art world with his son. This is how an art gallery was opened in Hong Kong, by Dominique and Arthur de Villepin. Delayed due to pandemic linked to Covid-19the inauguration of the gallery went well during the year 2020.

Dominique de Villepin’s residence previously belonged to a French celebrity

However, the one who was also Minister of the Interior under the government of Jacques Chirac, never really left France. Indeed, as our colleagues from the newspaper reported Release last year, Dominique de Villepin acquired, shortly after the health crisis, of a luxurious duplex.

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It was on Avenue Foch in Paris, located in the 16th arrondissement, that Dominique de Villepin succumbed to the charms of a princely duplex. Moreover, before belonging to the former politician, the residence was the property of a very well-known French personality: hairdresser Jacques Dessangedied on January 7, 2020, when he was 94 years old.

A duplex worthy of a real museum

In this exclusive article from our colleagues, we also learn that Dominique de Villepin resides in this Parisian duplex with his daughter, Marie, to whom he is very close. Here too, art would not have been left aside. And for good reason, numerous objects and other works of art would be exposed in the main residence of Dominique de Villepin.

Philippe Faure, former Mexican ambassador who is a close friend of theformer Prime Ministerconfided to Release that this duplex would be “a real museum.” Works created by Maurice Mata, Nicolas de Staël and Zao Wou-Ki litter the walls of this duplex out of sight.



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