Simone Ashley, Netflix Generation

Simone Ashley, Netflix Generation
Simone Ashley, Netflix Generation

PORTRAIT – Revealed by The Bridgerton Chronicles And Sex Education, the actress of Indian origin has just received the trophy for best newcomer at the Monte-Carlo Festival. This prize crowns the tenacity of a young woman, emblem of the talent pool that is renewing British fiction.

This spring, Simone Ashley will have been on all fronts. The 29-year-old English actress of Indian origins walked her curly hair like Farrah Fawcett and her piercing eyes on the red carpet of the Met Gala, on that of the Cannes Film Festival, where she was inducted as the muse of L’Oréal, and on that of the Monte Carlo Television Festival. On the Rock, she received the golden nymph for best international hopeful on Friday. This award crowns the tenacity of the one who, in two cult “made in Netflix” series – Sex Education And The Bridgerton Chronicles -, has become the bridgehead of the pool of young talents who are renewing British fiction.

“It’s always a joy and a surprise to be honored for one’s art”greets the winner, interviewed by Le Figaro a few days before his coronation. Simone Ashley had not yet come down from the adrenaline rush generated by her partnership with the French cosmetics brand. “A career in acting comes with opportunities…

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