“I am systematically cut during editing”

“I am systematically cut during editing”
“I am systematically cut during editing”

The famous chef Paul Pairet discovers the joys of the world of television. For five years now, he has been a judge on a major cooking show, but this year, he complains of being very often cut during editing. We tell you everything about it.

It is since 2019 that the famous starred chef Paul Pairet joined the show’s jurors team Top chef broadcast on M6. The integration of the star chef went well and the flow goes wonderfully with his peers on set. However, it is rather with the production team that the latter seems to have a grievance. Indeed, Paul Pairet complains of being systematically cut during editing by the production of the famous culinary competition of the M6 ​​channel. We tell you everything.

Paul Pairet ignites against the production of Top chef

An unpleasant discovery

It’s by watching the episodes of Top chef on television that the starred chef Paul Pairet realized that his interventions were cut during editing. “I am systematically cut during editing” he explained in an interview with Purepeople. Let us point out, however, that these are not all of the interventions of the chef based in Shanghai which are cut during editing. What particularly annoys Paul Pairet is that all the interesting comments and his most beautiful interventions are never broadcast on the small screen.

Paul Pairet censored?

Is Paul Pairet a victim of censorship through the production of Top chef ? When watching episodes of the program broadcast on television, the star chef observed that the constructive remarks he makes, as well as the interesting things he says, are never broadcast. On the other hand, as soon as he says “bullshit“, this is kept by the filming team. It is certain, Paul Pairet has no difficulty in expressing what he thinks. However, the production team explaining itself on the subject, declares that its shots of speech are sometimes too long This is the reason why his interventions are cut during editing, so he is not the victim of any. censorship.

A man unhappy with the situation

It is with a touch of amusement that Paul Pairet highlighted the cuts during editing of his various interventions in the show Top chef. It is a relaxed and not at all angry man who presented himself at the microphone of our colleagues from Puremedias. The famous chef with a cap spoke calmly, but you could clearly sense annoyance in his words. The latter does not at all appreciate being cut during editing and he wanted to make it known, as evidenced by his words: ” Write this down in your paper, because it is very important.”. During the interview, he never mentioned the salary of the show’s jurors.

The role of Paul Pairet in Top Chef

A juror of the show

It was in season 10 of this culinary show that Paul Pairet appeared as a juror. It has been five years since the starred chef served as a member of the program’s jury alongside Philippe Etchebest, who owns a pretty farm. He is known for his outspokenness and his rigor in his work. Moreover, during season 15, he told a candidate that he hadn’t liked his previous dish. He made this remark to him at the start of a test, enough to put additional pressure on the candidate’s shoulders. This attitude was not to the taste of viewers who have expressed themselves on the web on this subject.

A kind man

Beyond being strict and sometimes intimidating for candidates, Paul Pairet is also a kind man and jovial. Accompanied by thecomedy team as he likes to call them, Paul Pairet contributes to the good atmosphere that reigns on the film set. It must be said that this season of Top chef is undoubtedly the funniest, even if we all remember Joey Starr’s appearance on the show in 2023.

What future for Paul Pairet in Top chef ?

After the revelations of Paul Pairet concerning his interventions cut during editing, we are entitled to wonder what the reaction of the show’s production will be. Indeed, many questions can plague the minds of fans of the show, but only two hold our attention. The production of Top chef will she change the way she treats Paul Pairet’s interventions? Will Paul Pairet still be a juror during the next season ? What follows will undoubtedly inform us.



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