“The bodies let go”, Sylvie Tellier persists and evokes the “idylls between the members of the jury and the Misses”

“The bodies let go”, Sylvie Tellier persists and evokes the “idylls between the members of the jury and the Misses”
“The bodies let go”, Sylvie Tellier persists and evokes the “idylls between the members of the jury and the Misses”

On May 29, Sylvie Tellier, former Miss France and director of the company, released her autobiography entitled “Crown and Prejudice” in which she talks about her life and career.

The one who spent almost 20 years chaperoning the most beautiful girls in France, made some confidences, which caused a lot of talk… Sylvie Tellier says she overheard certain situations between Misses and celebrities in the toilet…

This Friday, Miss France 2002 was the guest of the show “Le Buzz TV”, in front of journalists Nicolas Vollaire and Sara Lecoeuvre, she returned to her statements.

“A situation that happens in any field” for Sylvie Tellier

Asked about “ this already cult toilet scene » where Sylvie Tellier would have surprised a Miss during an election night in the toilet with a public figure. “ So, I’m not saying that it was me who surprised…” would like to clarify the half sister of Delphine Tellier.

As the Miss France adventure lasts 1 month, after the show there is a kind of complete letting go. The girls are in a competition » says Sylvie Tellier, who assures that the Misses are not “ restrained » during preparation. “ So once the election is over, well, the bodies let go. On election nights, we discovered that certain romances could arise between members of the jury and Miss. » she continues

A situation ” normal » for Sylvie Tellier. “ What happens in any field » without giving more details on the people concerned.



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