Giulia, the daughter of Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy in heaven: she realizes her biggest dream at 12 years old

Giulia, the daughter of Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy in heaven: she realizes her biggest dream at 12 years old
Giulia, the daughter of Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy in heaven: she realizes her biggest dream at 12 years old

Everyone has a passion. For some, it’s dancing, for others singing or even writing… But for Giulia, the daughter of Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy, it’s about horseback riding. Since a young age, she has spent her free time training with the horses at her equestrian center. Jumping obstacles, galloping in the meadows and pampering her companions, that’s her daily life as a pre-teen.

But like all passionate riders, Giulia Sarkozy dream of having your own horse. The one who can accompany her on all her walks, and with whom she can form a special relationship. The one who won her very first SF course last May has just reached a milestone that she was impatiently awaiting. This Friday, June 7, the daughter of the former President of the Republic took to her Instagram account to share some happy news.

Giulia Sarkozy becomes the owner of a mare

“I have the happy news to announce to you that I am finally its owner. What a dream ! »she wrote under a black and white photo on the back of her mare. “I will finally be able to offer him a life in the meadow”, she added. Just after this big announcement, Giulia Sarkozy published other photos of her faithful sidekick, including a video of their last session. “A great session today, we are ready for tomorrow”we can read in the caption.

But that’s not all. In addition to owning a horse at just 12 years old, Carla Bruni’s daughter is also the ambassador of the Equestrian Art brand, located in Puget-sur-Argens. A collaboration that heralds a promising career! For Giulia, this brand which “equips the horse world” East “more than fantastic”. She appreciates ” both the quality products and the family team! “, as she claims in an old Instagram post. “ Honestly, it’s always been my dream to be a brand ambassador, but I didn’t think it would come true! », she adds. Today, we can say that she has made all her dreams come true! What will be next?

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