“The separation was a bit complicated…”: Mélanie Gonzalez (Large Families) far from Franck, she confides

“The separation was a bit complicated…”: Mélanie Gonzalez (Large Families) far from Franck, she confides
“The separation was a bit complicated…”: Mélanie Gonzalez (Large Families) far from Franck, she confides

This Monday, July 1, 2024, Mélanie Gonzalez, revealed in the show Familles grandes: la vie en XXL, took to her social networks to share her feelings about a planned week away from Franck, her husband.

Instagram screenshot of the family.gonzalez.official

This is a family that is still very popular with viewers. Revealed in the third season of the show Large families: life in XXLbroadcast on TF1, the Gonzalez family regularly share their daily lives on social media. Between days at the seaside, school holidays and birthdays, Franck and Mélanie Gonzalez also don’t hesitate to talk about their lives with their eight children.

Mélanie Gonzalez prepares to spend a week without Franck (Large families)

And this Monday, July 1, 2024, it was Mélanie who took to her social networks to talk about the week that awaits her. And these next few days are proving complicated for the mother who will have to endure the absence of her husband: “Here we go, new week!” she first said before adding: “Franck, that’s it. He left for Bordeaux with part of the team. He took Hugo with him, because Hugo doesn’t have classes anymore. And Hugo wanted to go with his dad, so he left with him.” she explained. And this goodbye was not easy for the whole family: “The separation this morning was a bit complicated for the little ones. Plus, Cleo didn’t come back from her weekend at the seaside, she’s coming back tonight. So it’ll be good if Franck can come back here on Wednesday” she explained before adding that this stay in Bordeaux should last a week or even 15 days.

A separation that the mother also seems to dread: “For all those who know me, you know that we don’t like being apart at all because we are used to being together all the time. (…) The most complicated thing will be at night, because for me, sleeping without my husband is very complicated.” she added.

A real scare for the mother

Especially since the 39-year-old mother is expecting her 9th child. On Friday, June 28, 2024, she also took to Instagram to discuss the recent misadventures of her pregnancy: “Yesterday, big scare, I had contractions for the first time and they were really…” she had confided before correcting herself to indicate that the latter were “bearable“. However, she had a moment of panic due to the regularity of her contractions: “I’m over seven months in now so I’m going to have to ease off.” she had said. A wise decision!



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