“A physique of…”, Lucie Lucas (Clem) atomizes Jordan Bardella on her social networks a few hours before the European elections

“A physique of…”, Lucie Lucas (Clem) atomizes Jordan Bardella on her social networks a few hours before the European elections
“A physique of…”, Lucie Lucas (Clem) atomizes Jordan Bardella on her social networks a few hours before the European elections

If you live on planet Earth, you are aware that the European elections will take place on Sunday June 9, 2024. Citizens of EU member states will elect their representatives to the European Parliament.

These elections are crucial in determining the political direction of the European Union, influencing issues like the economy, immigration and climate change. Elected MEPs will play a key role in adopting European laws for the next five years. And while the stakes are high, many personalities are calling for a vote.

When celebrities flirt with politics

THE Celebrities can use their notoriety to convey important messages and influence public opinion. Indeed, many famous citizens remind the French of the importance of voting, emphasizing that it is a essential civic duty. Some even go further by openly sharing their voting intentions, hoping to inspire and guide their fans in their electoral choices.

And recently, many French personalities have made a special appeal to the President of the Republic. Indeed, stars like Renaud, Léna Mahfouf and even Leïla Bekhti have taken an important step in their political commitment, and as such, they signed a platform to ask Emmanuel Macron to recognize the state of Palestine.

A candidate gets a head start for these European elections

Jordan Bardella is a French politician and member of the National Rally (RN). He is running in the European elections to promote his ideas in the European Parliament. Bardella seduces many French people thanks to his speech onnational sovereignty, security and criticism of the current European Unionparticularly appealing to those who want more protectionist policies and reduced immigration.

And since the start of his campaign, certain personalities have shown their support for the RN candidate. This is the case, for example, of Simon Castaldiwho explained that he saw in him the future President of the Republic, Delphine Wespiseror even Capucine Anav, “under the spell” of Bardella (whose comments shocked Internet users).

The actress Lucie Lucas (Clem) destroys the RN candidate

If some use their notoriety to encourage French citizens to vote, others do not hesitate to openly criticize elected officials. This is the case of Lucie Lucas, the actress in the successful series “ Clem“. On her social networks, the young woman has clearly expressed what she thinks of Jordan Bardella, not mincing his words towards him. If the actress does not have her tongue in her pocket, she recently proved it by giving her opinion on Gérard Depardieu.

In this video, the actress underlines the importance of voting for these European elections, and in the comments, she violently attacks candidate Jordan Bardellawhom she compares to President Emmanuel Macron: “(…) The tributes to Bardella tire me… this person is just a clone of Macron: -come out of nowhere -no significant political fact -no flagship measure -the physique of a young executive, smooth and polished like Manu -an empty blabla that spares no effort without advancing anything.” Before adding: “But above all votes or abstentions contrary to what he advocates…except in matters of racism obviously there is the great unpacking and the great disinformation

That has the merit of being clear !



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