Shaka Ponk launches “All Eyes on Gaza” initiative with Unicef

The musicians of Shaka Ponk are committed to the Palestinian cause. The French group, which is currently on its last tour before disbanding, has launched a collection of donations “to support the actions of Unicef ​​in favor of the children of Gaza”, victims of the war raging between Israel and Hamas . Nearly 200,000 euros have already been raised, as well as the support of numerous personalities.

Called “All Eyes on Gaza”, this initiative presents its three demands on its official website: to collect “humanitarian and solidarity aid for children”, an “immediate ceasefire”, and “the release of the Israeli hostages”.

As explained in a press release relayed by Le Parisien, “All Eyes on Gaza” aims to “mobilize the artistic world as well as the general public to come to the aid of affected children and to raise funds for the benefit of Unicef” :

“Our goal is for everyone to become aware of the drama currently playing out in Gaza and to call for a ceasefire, as well as the release of all the hostages,” declared Frah, singer of the group, in the same press release.

“But it is not enough to say it, because it is only by taking concrete action that we can help these children,” he continues. Thus, according to the official website of the prize pool, the group itself launched the donations by paying 100,000 euros. An additional 92,455 euros have since been raised. A sum which will be used to support Gaza by providing “vital needs such as water, hygiene, health, nutrition, mental health and protection, in order to alleviate the suffering of children and their families”.

A list of artists who are committed to Shaka Ponk appears on the site: Nagui, Zazie, Béatrice Dalle, Bruno Solo, Rachida Brakni, Ayo, Suzane, Ibrahim Maalouf, Zaz and even Joey Starr appear there.

War has raged in the Middle East since October 7, when Palestinian Hamas entered Israeli territory to commit a massacre in which 1,170 people were killed. 240 hostages were taken to Gaza that day, and some 130 are still held prisoner there.

Since then, Israel has launched ultra-deadly reprisals in Gaza. This response left more than 34,000 dead, according to figures from the Hamas Ministry of Health.

Original article published on



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