In schools and retirement homes, Alsace prepares the passing of the Olympic flame

In schools and retirement homes, Alsace prepares the passing of the Olympic flame
In schools and retirement homes, Alsace prepares the passing of the Olympic flame

Before the Olympic flame passes through Alsace on June 26, teenagers and the elderly are already mobilized. They cycle and dance to participate in the party, at the initiative of the European Community of Alsace. Objective: to promote sport among all generations.

For them too, Paris 2024 is concrete… and sport. Students and residents of Alsatian nursing homes have been sweating for several weeks to prepare for the passage of the Olympic flame through the region. It was the European Community of Alsace which requested them.

In particular, she imagined the “2024 Olympic Games, athletes of yesterday and today” project. A sort of “Tour of Alsace for seniors” to motivate them to play sports. 170 pedal boards equipped with meters were distributed to 110 nursing homes and voluntary day centers. The goal: to cover 286 kilometers, the equivalent of the journey of the Olympic flame in Alsace.

At the Niederbronn-les-Bains retirement home, seniors take their mission to heart. “It feels good, it’s an opportunity to see people,” rejoices Elsa Zinssner as she pedals happily. Everyone can participate, with their arms or legs, according to their abilities. Taking up the challenge is worth it: in each territory of the region, the three establishments having accumulated the most kilometers will be invited to the Olympic torch relay festivities.


With the legs or the arms, it doesn’t matter…the main thing is to pedal.

© Marie-Christine Lang / France Télévisions

“What is important is to convey a positive image of retirement homes and the staff who work thereexplains Nathalie Marajo-Guthmuller, Alsace advisor responsible for Sport. We also work on memory since we collect memories of former athletes with a view to organizing an exhibition.she continues.

Another action, called “Memory of Alsatian sport”, which inspires Gaston Kuntz, 89 years old, also rresident of the Mother Alphonse-Marie nursing home in Niederbronn-les-Bains. “I played football at AS Lembach, he confides. Here is my old license. I was playing with a fake license. The photo is of a gentleman who was also named Kuntz. He came from Goersdorf. Our photos were exchanged on our licenses. The referee saw nothing but fire! I played like that for two years.” Testimonies to nourish the history of Alsatian sport and an entire era.

Before the Olympic Games, sport shines across all generations. 50 classes from 34 Alsatian colleges are currently preparing for the Dance of the Games. A choreography that they will present in the different stopover cities of the torch relay. 50 students from Reichshoffen college will perform at Fleckenstein Castle, in Lembach, on June 26.

“The Dance of the Games was designed by the famous choreographer Merzouki about 1 year ago for the Paris Olympic Gamesindicates Pascal Richarth, principal of Françoise Dolto college. The dance company came here to present the choreography to us. Now it’s up to us to practice. It’s a great collective experience open to all classes. A school and extra-curricular project, very unifying.”

2000 spectators will attend the show which will bring together 500 teenagers. Moments of celebration to bring the spirit of the Olympic Games to life in concrete terms.



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