The strange disappearance of the complaint of a woman attacked more than twenty years ago

The strange disappearance of the complaint of a woman attacked more than twenty years ago
The strange disappearance of the complaint of a woman attacked more than twenty years ago

According to the magazine SHEauthor of an investigation into Gérard Miller, one of the victims, renamed Vanessa* to remain anonymous, is said to have filed a complaint for sexual assault against the psychoanalyst in 2003. A complaint that came to nothing, but above all that did not lead to any truly serious investigation, and all traces of which seem to have completely disappeared.

In 2003, after being sexually assaulted in Gérard Miller’s house, she reportedly filed a complaint with the police station in the small town in where she lives. “I didn’t even know exactly what I was accusing him of. I said that I hadn’t been raped, but that things had been done to me that I hadn’t consented to, that I had been set up,” she testified. Vanessa shows in particular the text messages exchanged with Gérard Miller.

He had already “harassed” other young girls

A police officer called her a few months later to say that she was not alone, “that he had ‘harassed’ other young girls, that the police had called him and lectured him.” The procedure seems to have been closed without further action, but it is difficult to know: the complaint having flown away. The gendarmerie mentioned water damage, causing the loss of part of the archives. The and public prosecutors’ offices could not find her either.



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