‘Beetlejuice’ Star Michael Keaton to Change Name

‘Beetlejuice’ Star Michael Keaton to Change Name

The American actor and director, currently starring in “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice”, explains why he had to take a pseudonym at the beginning of his career.

Did you know that Michael Keaton’s real name is not Michael Keaton? Currently starring in ” Beetlejuice Beetlejuice “, the 73-year-old American actor and director revealed that he picked the name from a phone book when he was starting out in Hollywood in the 1970s.

Asked about it by People magazine, Michael Keaton explained that he doesn’t really remember how he chose this pseudonym decades ago. I was looking in the directory, I don’t remember if it was a telephone directory »he said. Before continuing, ” I must have thought, “I don’t know, I’ll figure something out.” And I thought, “Oh, that sounds reasonable.” ».

But if Michael Keaton decided to change his name, it’s because he simply had no choice! He couldn’t keep his birth name because a namesake was already registered under that name with the Screen Actors Guild and the latter forbids its new members from registering under the same name as another actor.

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His real name? Michael Douglas… like the Michael Douglas you all know, future Oscar winner for “ Wall Sreet ».

The actor of ” Beetlejuice » so dropped his birth name and became Michael Keaton. But even though the name ” Keaton ” was very useful to him in pursuing his career in Hollywood, the actor now wants to return to his origins and call himself Michael Keaton Douglas for his future professional projects.

He had already intended to do so for his latest film. Knox Goes Away “, a thriller released this year but it has ” forget ” with the stress of filming, as he explained. ”

I said, “Hey, just to let you know, my credit goes to Michael Keaton Douglas.” And it completely slipped my mind. And I forgot to give them enough time to set it up and create it. But it happened. ” he assured.

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