Care, social energy tariff, breathalyzer, pension bonus, HBO Max: here is everything that changes this Monday, July 1, 2024

Care, social energy tariff, breathalyzer, pension bonus, HBO Max: here is everything that changes this Monday, July 1, 2024
Care, social energy tariff, breathalyzer, pension bonus, HBO Max: here is everything that changes this Monday, July 1, 2024

Treatments undergone by a person suffering from cancer (radiotherapy, chemotherapy) can lead to hair loss. Previously, the nomenclature provided for partial intervention in the purchase of a wig. From July 1, a person who is bald following cancer treatment can benefit from a reimbursement from mutual insurance of up to 120 euros also for the purchase of other accessories intended to cover the head, such as a scarf or head covering.

Financial costs for people having complex dental care following cancer are also better reimbursed from July 1. The reimbursement conditions for the installation of new teeth are extended, thus opening up the nomenclature to facilitate access to difficult dental restorations (metal frame, osseointegrated implant, bar, bridge or crown).

What changes on July 1 for people with cancer

HBO Max streaming platform launches in Belgium

Warner Bros.’ HBO Max streaming platform Discovery will be available in Belgium from July 1st. For its launch, the platform will focus in particular on the Olympic Games.

The catalog will include popular series from the American television channel HBO, such as “Game of Thrones”, “Succession” and “The Last Of Us”. They will therefore no longer be broadcast on Streamz (in Dutch-speaking Belgium). BeTV, for its part, announced the integration of the HBO Max “Basic” formula into its offer.

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The streaming platform will also offer new films from Warner Bros. as well as several titles from the production company’s catalog, such as “Harry Potter”.

Pricing plans range from 5.99 euros per month (with advertising) to 13.99 euros per month (without advertising and accessible on four devices). A sports supplement of 5 euros per month is also offered.

During the summer, HBO Max will broadcast the Paris Olympic Games, also available without the sports package.

A “social energy tariff” bonus for collective heating

The right to a “social energy tariff” bonus, intended for families who do not have access to the social tariff because they heat their home via a collective installation, is effective from July 1.

Until now, the social energy tariff was only available to final residential customers, which automatically excluded all families connected to a collective boiler.

Energy bill: 60,000 families will have access to the new “social rate premium”

The bill was passed in the House in early May. The law should come into force on August 1, but the right to the bonus will be effective from July 1, 2024. For the second half of 2024 and according to CREG estimates, the bonus represents a reduction of 53 euros on the gas bill and 82 euros on the electricity bill.

The measure affects around 60,000 families.

Reduction of the minimum volume of exhaled air during a breathalyzer

The minimum volume of exhaled air is lowered from 1.9 to 1.2 liters during blood alcohol tests. This modification should allow police services to save time because the previous threshold was sometimes difficult to reach for certain people, explains the FPS Mobility. In these circumstances, a doctor must then go to the inspection site to take a blood test.

The evolution of the volume of exhaled air results from technical advances in current breath measuring devices, which provide valid results from 1.2 liters of exhaled air.

Breathalyzer tests: 15-minute time limit for blowing soon to end in Belgium

The FPS Mobility predicts that the use of doctor services should be significantly reduced and that the police will therefore be able to carry out more checks over the same period.

Belgium wants to achieve the objective of zero deaths and serious injuries on the road by 2050, in particular thanks to its federal road safety plan. Driving under the influence remains the cause of many accidents. Twelve accidents involving a driver under the influence of alcohol are recorded every day in Belgium, or one every two hours.

Career break requests must now be electronic

All requests for career break allowance, time credit or thematic leave must be submitted electronically to the National Employment Office. The mandatory online procedure will be put in place for all sectors, with the exception of education where the obligation will take effect from October 1, 2024.

Onem plans a general transition period of three months to familiarize itself with the online application.

Concretely, to submit a request to Onem, you must: inform your employer; the latter completes his part of the benefit request via the Social Security portal site; then, it is the worker who completes the request via the Break@work application; and finally, Onem sends its decision to the e-Box.

The pension bonus recorded from July 1

The pension bonus will be reintroduced and counted from July 1 for workers who retire from January 1, 2025. This measure aims to encourage workers to retire later.

To be eligible, the pensioner must provide proof of an additional period of work of at least six months beyond the legal date of their early retirement.

Pension reform: what changes for you?

The bonus will be progressive and can be built up over a maximum of three years. It will reach 3,928 euros net for the first additional year worked beyond the early retirement date, 7,855 euros for the second additional year, and finally 11,783 euros for the third successive year.

There is no need to request the bonus, as it will be calculated directly with the pension and will be paid by default in the form of a single payment. If desired, a pensioner can request that the bonus be paid in the form of a monthly annuity. It will be accessible to employees, self-employed workers and civil servants alike.

Changing the name to that of one or both parents is simplified

Adults of Belgian nationality, recognised as refugees or stateless persons and who wish to bear the name of one of their parents, a combination of these names or the name of an adoptive parent will be able to do so from 1 July with their municipality, without going through a legal procedure.

While the change of name previously had to be addressed to the Minister of Justice, the procedure concerning a change of name for that of a parent, a combination of both parents or that of an adopter can now be done directly with the municipality.

Interested Belgian adults or refugees can do this by contacting their municipality of residence, their last municipality of residence (in the case of residence abroad) or the City of Brussels (in the absence of current or earlier in Belgium).

Such a request may only be authorized once in this manner and must not be based on any special conditions. The municipality has one month (or three months in case of doubt) to process this request. In the event of refusal, the person concerned can lodge an appeal with the family court.

If accepted, the name change will also be extended to the minor children of the person concerned, but the consent of children over the age of twelve is required.

The adoption of a completely different family name remains possible after requesting it from the FPS Justice, but is only accepted if there are serious reasons, the administration reminds us.

New restrictions on alcohol sales

New restrictions on alcohol sales in hospitals, petrol stations and vending machines come into force from Monday 1 July, the FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment said in a press release published on Friday. These measures are part of the 2023-2025 interfederal plan to combat harmful alcohol consumption.

From July 1st, the sale of alcoholic beverages in vending machines will be banned, as well as in hospitals, except for non-refrigerated beer and wine. As for motorway service stations, they will no longer be able to sell alcohol between 10pm and 7am. Roadside restaurants will be able to continue.

Checks will begin on Monday, July 1. In the event of non-compliance, fines ranging from 208 to 24,000 euros in the event of repeat offenses are planned.

These restrictions are part of the 2023-2025 interfederal plan to combat harmful alcohol consumption, which includes 75 actions inspired by the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Superior Health Council. Prevention and awareness of the links between cancers, road deaths, advertising and alcohol consumption, particularly among young people, are among the points of attention. In this sense, the plan provides in particular that “minors aged 16 and over will no longer be able to buy alcohol with the exception of unfortified wine and beer”.

Often associated with moments of conviviality and relaxation, alcohol can have harmful repercussions, both for the consumer, those around them or even for society at large when consumed in a harmful way.“, recalls the SPF. According to the 2018 health survey by Sciensano, 14% of Belgians drink alcohol in excess, i.e. more than 10 units of alcohol per week, a threshold not to be exceeded to limit health risks .



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