The cloud is within everyone’s reach, services are another story

The cloud is within everyone’s reach, services are another story
The cloud is within everyone’s reach, services are another story

About five years ago, the first hyperscaler opened a computing center (region) to offer its cloud services in Switzerland. Today, all major cloud providers are present in the local market. Smaller European cloud providers have also announced or completed their market entry. And recently, the Confederation announced that it would modernize the private cloud of the Federal Office of Informatics and Telecommunications: the future Swiss Government Cloud (SGC) will primarily be used by the federal authorities, but it can also be used by cantons, towns and municipalities. Added to this are countless national cloud providers whose data centers are located exclusively in Switzerland, and which offer all service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.).

Choosing the right cloud provider

The cloud provider provides the basis for the cloud infrastructure and therefore significantly influences the performance, reliability and flexibility of the company’s IT environment. Factors involved include:

  • scalability and flexibility
  • security and compliance
  • cost management and efficiency
  • technological innovation and performance
  • support and quality of service
  • integration and compatibility
  • sustainability and ecological responsibility
  • The various suppliers now differ very little. This is especially true for standard services, like Infrastructure-as-a-Service.

Extension by additional services

Once the basic infrastructure is in place, resources need to be managed and used optimally. This includes the following activities:

operational management: day-to-day management of cloud infrastructure, including monitoring, maintenance and troubleshooting.

security management: implementation and monitoring of security protocols to ensure continuous protection against threats.

Backup and Disaster Recovery: implementation and management of backup and disaster recovery solutions to avoid data loss and ensure business continuity.

cost optimization: analyze and optimize cloud usage to reduce costs.

l’expertise technique: best practices to ensure that cloud infrastructure is used effectively and efficiently.

Today, it is these services that separate the wheat from the chaff. And this is where it is difficult to find the right offer. Which provider has the necessary expertise and experience? What is the most suitable service offer for my company? Are the required security skills available? What about customer service? Is the provider reliable? How do communication and collaboration work? And most importantly: do I trust the provider?

Services are decisive

Choosing the right cloud provider is a first step in a company’s cloud strategy. This step lays the foundation for flexibility, scalability and security of the IT infrastructure. But the real success lies in the necessary services surrounding this infrastructure. Based on these services, companies can implement their cloud strategy effectively and efficiently and thus gain a sustainable competitive advantage.

the author
Michael Ernst
CTO of Sonio AG

Finding the right cloud provider is not easy. Bruno Heimerl, Chief Sales Officer at Sonio, explains what companies should pay attention to, the mistakes often made and the criteria that guarantee that you are dealing with a reliable supplier.

Bruno Heimerl, Chief Sales Officer, Sonio

What are the relevant services for a company to fully exploit the potential of a cloud solution?

Surveillance, monitoring and alerts are, for example, important services for constantly keeping an eye on proper functioning and being able to intervene immediately in the event of a problem. Effective customer support and administration are also essential to get the most out of the cloud environment. Additionally, optimization and automation are important to improve processes and minimize manual interventions. In the area of ​​governance, security, reporting, usage and service levels must be continuously monitored and managed. For a good adaptation to the specific needs of the company, it is also necessary to provide backup and disaster recovery solutions as well as cyber recovery concepts tested regularly. Other services may be useful depending on business needs.

Are there reasons to prefer small European providers to large cloud providers?

Whether they are international or European makes no difference. It is more important that a supplier is Swiss. This means that you benefit from locally stored data and local data protection guidelines are taken into account. In addition, Swiss suppliers usually have local contacts, which shortens communication channels and ensures a better understanding of the local market, quality and customer requirements. Cultural proximity and a common language also facilitate cooperation and guarantee local service.

How can companies ensure the scalability and flexibility of their cloud solutions?

Scalability and flexibility are the pillars of the cloud. Companies can ensure this by using automation technologies, adopting a hybrid cloud strategy, and regularly testing and optimizing their systems. Continuous monitoring and performance management are also crucial to ensure that the cloud environment is always operating optimally and can be quickly adapted to new needs as needed.

What are the most common mistakes companies make when choosing a cloud provider?

Often companies only look at the obvious costs, like price per GB or per vCPU, and don’t take into account the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). They also tend to focus only on technical and material aspects, instead of considering the services that accompany them, which should preferably come from a single source. Customers also sometimes make the mistake of not ensuring their operating model is compatible with that of the cloud provider.

What should you look out for to know if a cloud provider is trustworthy?

When assessing the reliability of a cloud provider, one should pay attention to various security elements, such as ISO certifications. Competence, such as manufacturer certifications, also plays an important role. The provider’s experience in a given sector, its response to specific requirements and its references should also be considered. Personal contact and continuity of support – at the technical, support or sales level – are also among the determining criteria. A flexible and individually adaptable service offering and the possibility of carrying out a Proof of Concept (PoC) are further indicative factors of a trustworthy provider.



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