Anti-Linky people have been warned: the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) plans to impose specific fees on all French households still refusing the installation of a Linky electricity meter. Not without controversy (fears about the protection of privacy, the effects of electromagnetic waves, etc.), Enedis has generalized this system since 2015, as a result of a European directive.
According to the manager of the public electricity distribution network, as of August 31, 37.3 million households were equipped with such a communicating meter, that is to say one that can be controlled remotely and capable of monitoring consumption in real time. . Nevertheless, there were still, on that date, 2.1 million old-style meters – a little more than 5% of the low-voltage stock (individuals, businesses, communities). Some date back to the 1960s.
How to overcome reluctance? The CRE presented its plan as part of a six-week public consultation, ending Friday, November 22. This independent administrative authority will make its final decision at the beginning of 2025, when announcing the next tariff for the use of electricity networks for the next four years.
If the text remains in its initial state, this is what is planned: from 1is August 2025, all households still resistant to the Linky meter will have to pay Enedis a specific sum. With payment every two months, everyone will have to pay a minimum of 41.58 euros per year, or even an additional 25.08 euros, if users do not send their consumption statement themselves or They do not schedule a succession meeting with this EDF subsidiary – in the case of Linky, conversely, the readings are transmitted automatically.
The future system will replace the transitional one in force since 2023. Fees are, in fact, already applied to certain refractory parties (the annual equivalent of 56.88 euros), but only to those who fail to transmit their consumption index.
CRE presents the new amounts as compensation for Enedis, in order to “to cover” cost estimates related to old meters. Relative costs “in particular the information system, foot relief and controls, customer contact”.
On the other hand, the regulator will exempt from fees users who are technically unable to have a Linky meter installed, for a reason beyond their control – among other things, if they live in areas where heavy work would be necessary to adapt the electrical network. The exemption could concern nearly 180,000 meters, according to a June census.
Among the assertive anti-Linky, the members of the association To gather, inform and act on the risks linked to electromagnetic technologies now fear that their refusal of this technology will lead to a “billing” systematic. Administrator of the National Housing Confederation, a tenants' association, Jean Thévenot pleads for the process of sending oneself by email the photo of one's statement to be “better developed, in the mutual interest of users and Enedis”.