Billionaire Warren Buffett changes his will and reveals how his fortune will be used

Billionaire Warren Buffett changes his will and reveals how his fortune will be used
Billionaire Warren Buffett changes his will and reveals how his fortune will be used

Jeanne Le Borgne
06/29/2024 at 3:55 p.m.

Warren Buffett will ultimately not donate his fortune – estimated at 130 billion dollars – to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

He holds “one of the greatest fortunes of the modern era” and knows that he is not eternal. So, Warren Buffett prepared his will and rather twice than once. Indeed, the 93-year-old billionaire told the “Wall Street Journal” that he had recently changed his last wishes to benefit his children more. Well almost.

Since the beginning of the century, Warren Buffett, who made his fortune through savvy stock market investments, has regularly made generous donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Very close to this charity, the man had previously stated that his entire fortune – approximately 130 billion dollars – would go to him.

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But the businessman has finally assured that “the Gates Foundation will have no more money after [s]a mort ».

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A new foundation that remains to be created

The latest version of his will provides for his fortune to go to a new charitable foundation founded by his three children, Howard Graham Buffett, Susan Alice Buffett and Peter Andrew Buffett. “I am very, very pleased with the values ​​of my three children and I have complete confidence in the way they are going to handle things,” the businessman told the American media.

Warren Buffett leaves it to his children – who each already have their own philanthropic work – to “decide unanimously how the money will be distributed”. His only instruction: to use his fortune “to help people who have not been as lucky” as him and his children.

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As long as he is alive, Warren Buffett intends to continue to feed the Gates Foundation – now managed solely by Bill Gates, Melinda having launched her own initiative – to which he has already donated 43 billion dollars. As well as all the other philanthropic organizations with which he has always shared his fortune.



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