“The appalling demagoguery on the purchasing power of political parties for the campaign! “. Charles SANNAT’s editorial

“The appalling demagoguery on the purchasing power of political parties for the campaign! “. Charles SANNAT’s editorial
“The appalling demagoguery on the purchasing power of political parties for the campaign! “. Charles SANNAT’s editorial

My dear impertinent ones, dear impertinent ones,

I won’t even go back to the Popular Front program, you know what I think about it, in 48 hours it will be the intervention of the Monetary Fund. It is an absurd program that would turn France into a veritable West Korea.

Let’s focus on the two programs which seem the least crazy, namely that of Ensemble which is what remains of En Marche, which became Renaissance… but which is dying, and of the RN led by the young and dashing Bardelle which appeals so much to the youth of this country, which is a political phenomenon far too little chronicled as it is so important for the years to come.

On the side of En marche-Ensemble we want to shave for free with the money we don’t have and start allowing some people to buy a house or an apartment without paying notary fees under certain conditions of resources ( weak).

On the RN side we want to “restore” purchasing power by lowering VAT, but this is not necessarily a good idea because finances are constrained and it is very likely that the audit of public finances that Bardella will ask once hypothetically in power, tells him what I can already predict… Jordan has more money!

The crates are empty!

So to restore purchasing power in a terribly constrained situation, we will “simply” have to target relief as effectively as possible only to those who need it most.

Ideally, we must above all allow everyone to find their way back to employment.

The best way to restore purchasing power is to provide employment.

When there are a lot of jobs, then we tend towards full employment, and this allows us to see an increase in wages and that is the right thing to do.

It takes time, but it is the only sustainable, credible economic strategy to follow.

We must not help everyone with a general reduction in VAT which would be a good idea with full coffers. But with empty coffers, this will be counterproductive, and those who earn 5,000 euros net per month will benefit as much as those who are struggling with 1,400 euros net per month.

My deep conviction is that the RN will not achieve a third of a quarter of what it announces in economics, and that will be a good thing. It will be pragmatic. If Ensemble were by some miracle in business, they would do nothing more except continue the same policy that they have been pursuing for 7 years.

No sovereignty while being in debt!

Right-thinking people will perhaps be shocked by this statement, yet it makes good sense, whether one is of right-wing or left-wing sensibility, it does not matter. It is a fact. The popular adage says that the hand that gives is always above the hand that receives.

If you are in debt, then you are dependent on your lenders.

If you depend on a lender, you are no longer independent.

You are no longer sovereign.


Certainly, the European Union does not help us, but it is not the EU which asked us to mismanage our accounts and our public finances. We did it conscientiously for 7 years with our financial Mozart leading us into the wall.

To regain sovereignty, the prerequisite is not to leave the euro and Europe.

Let’s be “cynical” or rather very pragmatic, let’s be strategists.

A Frexit or being able to influence European decisions requires a strong and well-managed France, proud of itself and of its entire population.

We must therefore first straighten out the nation’s accounts by taking advantage of the euro shield in the short term to prepare for the longer term.



We must stop the demagoguery in this country.

Stop pretending that you can succeed without working.

Stop making people believe that we can distribute magic money.

Stop putting everything on the same footing where everything is worth it.

Stop giving diplomas to all the kids who think what they are doing is “good” when it is “bad”.

Stop vomiting about wealth, success or success and on the contrary promote it, always with the search for excellence at the heart of this promotion! You want to get on a plane made by an idiot? Build nuclear power plants without qualified people? Be serious. Excellence must be sought. Mediocrity fought.

For those who want to go further, you can subscribe to the STRATEGIES Letter to have access to this special file “10 solutions to prepare for the consequences of dissolution” (all the information here). Any subscription gives access to all files already published and to all archives.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourselves !

Charles SANNAT

“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
To write to me [email protected]
To write to my wife [email protected]

You can also subscribe to my monthly letter “STRATEGIES” which will allow you to go further and in which I share with you the concrete solutions to implement to prepare you for the world after. These solutions are structured around the PEL approach – heritage, employment, location. The idea is to share with you the means and methods to build your personal and family resilience.

“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

“This is a ‘presslib’ article, that is to say free of reproduction in whole or in part provided that this paragraph is reproduced following it. Insolentiae.com is the site on which Charles Sannat speaks daily and delivers an impertinent and uncompromising analysis of economic news. Thank you for visiting my site. You can subscribe for free to the daily newsletter at www.insolentiae.com. »



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