The population aged 85 and over is likely to triple in the next 50 years

The population aged 85 and over is likely to triple in the next 50 years
The population aged 85 and over is likely to triple in the next 50 years

The aging of the population and its repercussions on the health system will continue to be felt in the coming years since the number of Canadians aged 85 and over is expected to triple by 2073, according to data from Statistics Canada.

There will be an increasing number of people aged 85 and over, particularly between 2031 and 2050, “a period when large baby boom cohorts will reach this age group for which the needs for health care and services are significant”.

“According to the various projection scenarios, the population aged 85 and over would increase from 896,600 people in 2023 to a level of between 3.3 million (low growth scenario) and 4.3 million (low growth scenario). strong growth) of people in 2073,” examined the federal agency.

In general, the population aged 65 and over should also increase from 18.9% in 2023 to 21.9% or 32.3% depending on the slow or rapid aging scenarios.

The average age of the Canadian population could reach 50.1 years in 2073 if we are in a perspective of rapid aging, much higher than the average of 41.6 years in 2023.

As for Quebec, the province would continue to be one of Canada’s populous over the next 25 years “in all projection scenarios”, just like Ontario.



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