focus on the star sector of artificial intelligence and its rising stars

focus on the star sector of artificial intelligence and its rising stars
focus on the star sector of artificial intelligence and its rising stars

A total value of 196 billion dollars and an announced increase of 13% over the next seven years… These two figures alone summarize the disproportionate growth of the global AI market. This technology with almost unlimited opportunities, both a driver of innovation and an accelerator of decision-making, has been revolutionizing the business world in all sectors for ten years. The proof is: according to Vision IA, an expert agency in artificial intelligence, 83% of players in the global economy today say they are using AI. a top priority » of their development strategy.

In this context, Maddyness has decided, in partnership with the private bank Richelieu, to devote its second edition of MAD50 – an overview of rising personalities in a given sector – to this rapidly exploding world and its key players. Via a rigorous selection process carried out by an independent committee made up of members of Maddyness and Banque Richelieu but also of Raise, France Fintech and France Digitale, dozens of personalities “ emerging, influential and promising » were proposed, challenged and, ultimately, selected as the rising stars of artificial intelligence.

A panorama of 50 actors to follow

A selection of 50 players with strong impact and, above all, with strong potential in the world of French AI: some from the world of startups, others from that of investment funds and large groups, others finally being public figures. Among them are some headliners such as Arthur Mensch, CEO and co-founder of Mistral AI, and Emmanuelle Martiano Rolland, COO and co-founder of Aqemia in the Startups category, Phoebe Beigbeder, VC of Greenfield, and Xavier Lazarus, co-founder and Managing Partner at Elaia, on the investment fund side or, among large groups, Matthias Oehler, chief data officer of La Française des Jeux and Pierre-Yves Calloc’h, chief digital officer of Pernod Ricard. Finally, in the “public figures” category, Cédric O, former Secretary of State for Digital and member of the government’s AI committee and Aude Durand, general director of Kyutai.

« The objective of this panorama was to highlight a sector through fifty of its players who “count” today and who could, in the future, become essential. », summarizes Edouard Madinier, member of the management board of Banque Richelieu. Co-founder of Maddyness, Etienne Portais confirms. “At Maddyness, we firmly believe that artificial intelligence is shaping the future of our economy. This MAD50 of People to Watch in AI highlights the visionaries, innovators and thought leaders who are transforming this revolutionary technology. We are proud to share their stories and contributions with our readership.”

AI: this technological windfall on which to capitalize

For several years, Edouard Madinier has noticed him too a real craze for AI. Beyond the value creation lever that it represents, more and more companies are seeking to take advantage of this technology with multiple advantages. An observation that is true in almost all sectors of activity and particularly in tech, where artificial intelligence has established itself as a major competitive argument, particularly since the emergence of generative AI.

« AI acts as an accelerator for business development: ability to analyze diverse and multiple data in record time, decision support, etc. Thanks to it, we gain in reliability, in time and therefore in performance. », continues Edouard Madinier who recalls that the release of ChatGPT played a decisive role in the advent of this technology. “ This is what propelled AI to the forefront by democratizing it. Suddenly, this complex and little-known technology became accessible to everyone; it transformed the perception we had of it and boosted demand “. It is not surprising that more and more companies want to capitalize on this technological windfall which, “ by promoting access to data, their circulation and their sharing » as already summarized in the Villani report six years ago, is becoming a real engine of development and a decisive lever of competitiveness.



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