Lindt scuttles its quality argument to avoid a complaint in the United States

Lindt scuttles its quality argument to avoid a complaint in the United States
Lindt scuttles its quality argument to avoid a complaint in the United States

A collective complaint was launched in 2023 following an article by an American consumer association questioning the presence of heavy metals in dark chocolate bars.

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Swiss chocolatier Lindt & Sprüngli has scuttled its argument about the quality of its products in a US complaint, despite it being the cornerstone of its business strategy, according to the newspaper ‘NZZ am Sonntag.

Lindt & Sprüngli tried unsuccessfully to put an end to a collective complaint in the United States, launched in February 2023 following an article by an American consumer association questioning the presence of heavy metals in tablets of dark chocolate from several manufacturers, including two produced by Lindt.

“In its defense strategy, the company dismantled its own quality promises,” said the “NZZ am Sonntag” on Sunday, which dissected a court decision.

The chocolate maker’s lawyers claimed that the words “excellence” and “made with our best ingredients” affixed to the packaging were only “exaggerated advertising”, unusable to engage its liability, according to a first instance decision of a Eastern District Court of New York, dating from early September, consulted by AFP.

Lindt argued that these terms were only “swagger” or “puffery”, notes for its part “Le Temps”, which considers that the group “walks on a tightrope” with “this defense daring”.

Lindt’s margins are due to “the fact that consumers are prepared to pay more for its industrial chocolates because of their image of quality”, underlines the daily.

The New York court rejected the arguments of the Swiss group, which tried to block this collective complaint.

Contacted Monday by AFP, Lindt did not immediately comment on the information.

Lead and cadmium

Consumers in Alabama, California, Florida, Illinois, Nevada and New York took legal action in the United States following the publication at the end of 2022 of an article by the American consumer association “Consumer Reports” concerning the presence of lead and cadmium in dark chocolate bars.

This association had tested 28 tablets marketed in the United States. One of Lindt’s tablets was among the eight with a high level of cadmium, another among the 10 with a high level of lead, without obtaining the worst rating.

Two of Lindt’s products, marketed by its American brand Ghirardelli, were even classified among the safest.

While tablets from other manufacturers had higher concentrations of heavy metals, including organic brands, consumers insisted in this collective complaint that they had paid more for Lindt products in order to afford quality products.

Switzerland is very attached to quality, its calling card for selling products that are often more expensive given the high production costs in the country.




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