A Jura selection for the First Lego League

A Jura selection for the First Lego League
A Jura selection for the First Lego League

The Robots-JU association team recently managed to rise to the global level to represent Switzerland in the First Lego League. This robot construction and programming competition, reserved for those under 16, aims to work on the realization of a scientific research project, on the aspects of critical thinking, respectful interaction and sharing of information. ‘experience.

It did not yet have its local version. The Robots-JU association wishes to remedy this, which announces such an event for January 18 in Delémont. A novelty whose genesis is explained by Daniel Renaud, organizer of the future First Lego League Jura: “We realized that there were more and more Jura teams participating. We therefore said to ourselves that we could launch a regional selection in the Jura. This will allow the Jura to be represented every year in the Swiss final, and why not in the European and world finals…”

For Daniel Renaud, the establishment of such a regional competition is important: “It shows that the skills and the desire are there in the Jura, and that the region is capable of being alongside other larger such as the canton of Vaud or Zurich to organize this type of event. » /tbe



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