Seydina Moussa Ndiaye campaigns for an institute dedicated to artificial intelligence

Senegalese teacher-researcher Seydina Moussa Ndiaye, teacher-researcher at the Cheikh Hamidou Kane Digital University, invites public authorities to set up an institute dedicated to artificial intelligence, with a view to guaranteeing Senegal’s sovereignty in this area.

“For more responsible artificial intelligence in Senegal and sovereignty in this area, the State must take charge of this problem more seriously with the establishment of an institute dedicated to artificial intelligence,” recommended the teacher at the digital university Cheikh Hamidou Kane, Wednesday, during a panel.

This panel focused on “the challenges” of the presence of artificial intelligence in the different activities to be discovered and understood by society, at the initiative of the Amadou Mahtar Mbow University of Diamniadio (UAM).

It allowed participants and experts to look at the opportunities of artificial intelligence and the “challenges” that Senegal is called upon to take on for responsible AI.

According to Seydina Moussa Ndiaye, “the State must take matters into its own hands to make artificial intelligence a reality in Senegal, taking into account all the dimensions” of this issue through a dedicated institute.

Artificial intelligence, he explained, “is just tools that make computers much closer to human behavior.”

He recalled the initiatives of the Cheikh Hamidou Kane digital university moving in the direction of “popularization of artificial intelligence”, through the FORCE-N program which offers its listeners tailor-made training.

“It’s a certificate that lasts a few weeks or a few months and which talks about computing for everyone. This program helps promote IT to improve productivity,” said Mr. Ndiaye, speaking of the Open Training Program for Strengthening Skills, Employment and Digital Entrepreneurship (FORCE-N) .

He also mentioned another certificate “much more technical which allows computer scientists or mathematicians, or someone who has scientific background, to be able to create their own products which are based on artificial intelligence”.

The panelist welcomed the strategies implemented so far to promote artificial intelligence, but, he said, “all stakeholders are aware that we must go much further in the operationalization of these strategies ”.

In this perspective, he insisted on the need to put in place a “national system” to allow “operationalization of the two data strategies, and thus establish an efficient ecosystem for responsible artificial intelligence in Senegal”.



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