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three candidacy files including that of the outgoing head of state

three candidacy files including that of the outgoing head of state

In Somaliland, a self-proclaimed republic that separated from Somalia in 1991, the presidential election is scheduled for November 13, 2024. Three candidacy files have been submitted for this election, including that of the outgoing head of state, Muse Bihi Abdi, which is contested. Explanations.

With our correspondent in Nairobi, Gaëlle Laleix

In Somaliland, September 12, 2024 marked the end of the submission of candidacies for the November 13 presidential election.

Three parties have submitted their tickets to the Electoral Commission, as a president and a vice-president will be elected.

Somaliland is a self-proclaimed republic that separated from Somalia in 1991. Unsurprisingly, it is the actors of this separation who are candidates today.

First, there is Muse Bihi Abdi, the outgoing president. Opposing him: his historic opponent, Abdirahman Irro of the Waddani party, and Faysal Ali Warabe of the Social Justice Party. The coalition of these two movements now has a majority in the lower house.

The outgoing president contested

Muse Bihi Abdi is not in a position of strength. His record is mixed. First, under the pretext of an untenable electoral calendar, he remained in power for 2 years longer than his initial mandate. This decision sparked protests, which were bloodily repressed in 2022.

Then, Somaliland is torn apart by a secessionist conflict. Since last year, the province of Sool, in the southeast, has been fighting for its attachment to Somalia.

What is at stake in this election is therefore ” Somaliland’s Democratic Legacy ” explains the Africa Center for Strategic Studies.



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